I gulp a little, worried seeing the gun. "W-Where's Mark?"

"I just said you won't need to worry about him." Chris says, walking over to me, before I can really get away he pins me up against the counter, a little bit too close for my comfort but I can't really go up against him. I mean compared to him I'm small. (Sexual joke not meant to be there my fam)

I whine a little, looking down but he forces my head up to look at him, forced to look into his blue eyes, the same face I've always hated, I can't even begin to describe him. He suddenly grabs the collar of my shirt and shoves me to the ground, hitting my back against the hard floor, I curl into a ball and I bring my hands up to my head. I was really hoping he'd show up later, y'know, After I was dead. But if he ends me now I guess it'd be one of the ways to die, at least this way I wasn't the one who did it and I didn't break my promise.

"Why the fuck did you leave!?" Chris yells, his voice ringing in my ears(almost said eyes holy hell).

"I-I'm sorry--"

"Shut the hell up!" He walks over, assuming about to kick me until there are footsteps, and then the sound of someone getting hit in the jaw with a fist, which sounds like a sickening thump, along with the sound of someone hitting the counter I was pinned to.

I sit up a bit and scoot back quickly, those footsteps had been Mark, and Chris is stumbling to get up from the floor. He aims and points his gun, Mark grabbing his arm and Chris shooting at the ground instead, a loud bang irrupting into everyone's ears, the neighbors probably, hopefully heard that, and are calling the police. I am tempted to get up and help with the fight, but not only will I get in the way and probably get Mark more hurt, I'm beginning to hyperventilate, a clear as day, good ol' anxiety attack. My favorite.

I hug myself tightly as my eyes start to water as I look down, a loud final blow comes from someone, as my  vision starts to blur with tears. A touch of a hand on my arm sets me off, I kick at whoever and I start screaming. 

"(Y/N) Calm DOWN!" 

I open my eyes slightly to see Mark, and I jump up and hug him, him hugging me back tightly and he starts to do what he did last time. He holds me closely as  start to follow his breathing.

"It's going to be okay (Y/N), He'll never get close to hurting you again.." He tells me, and I mostly want to believe it, I really do but for some reason it feels like it'd be to hard to acknowledge.

I hic softly as I sob into his chest, five minutes later the cops burst through the door, Mark pointing directly at Chris as they come in.

"Jesus, He looks like shit." One of the Officers say, inspecting his severe bruises in his face, some actually scarring.

Mark was playing a rage game just as Chris came in. The Officer walks over and places a blanket over both me and Mark, y'know, comfort bullshit probs, as I slowly now start to calm down. They hand Mark an ice pack, Not noticing before since I couldn't really see a good glimpse, Mark had a large bruise and deep red liquid, and dried had been coming from, under his nose, his glasses cracked.

"Thank you," He says, to the officers, as he once again focuses on trying to help me.

After the anxiety attack, they ask me questions, who is Chris, what does he do, blah blah blah, I tell him everything, as a witness. Chris was put in the car before he woke up, Not like I knew he did though, I was still inside the kitchen with Mark, like yeah the police car is totally in here in the room. But I can hear him screaming, Mark covering my ears so I don't have to hear him scream cuss words, targeting me, but even if Mark didn't cover my ears, whatever he says is probably true. After a bit the police leave, all the evidence they need for Chris to be called guilty, and me and Mark are left alone sitting on the floor of the kitchen, where I've been sitting this whole time.

"...I'm sorry." Mark says, breaking the quietness. "I-I... When I sent my last reply I was in the middle of the rage game, and such, cutting the video and shit.. and he just showed up out of the blue after I ended it.."

I sit there in silence, cuddling up closer as the sun outside the windows noticeably fall behind the trees and buildings.

"..I-I didn't mean for you to get hurt.."

"What about Chica? Is she okay?" I ask, and I listen to Mark's heart beat race, So I move, and he stands up. 

"F-Fuck." He says, looking around.

"I'll help you look for her." I say, standing up as well, my legs shaking a bit. 

"Thank you." He say, and starts walking swiftly around the house as I do.

I check the bathroom, and bedroom, and finally I go outside into the back, of course I don't chica could be anywhere else in the house that we've already checked.

"Chica!" I yelp, my voice a little scratchy as I do. "Come here girl!" Suddenly a bark, and a golden dog jumps over the other side of the fence and back into the correct yard, and runs over to me. Her tail wags as her brown eyes look up at me and she pants excitedly. "Hey." I say calmly, reaching down and scratching her head, then opening the door, she runs in as I walk in. 

"Chica!" I hear Mark yell as I walk over to Chica licking Mark's face happily, a grin on Mark's face but doesn't allow her to do that much, I mean it's weird to let your dog lick the dried blood off of your face. Mark lets out a soft sigh and looks at me, smiling happily. "Thank you." He says, once again, He truly loves his dog.

"Don't thank me Mark..." I say, and I walk off to find Mark's bed room, pretty much the only room with a bed to lay in and feel like shit.

I let myself trip into it, face planting into the pillows as I sigh softly.

If you never gave Mark your number, He wouldn't have gotten hurt. 

I begin to blame myself.

Maybe if you just didn't then he would've never known and today would've never happened.

Suddenly I feel something lay down at my feet and behind me, a quiet relieved hum comes from Mark as he is behind me, clearly relaxed as he wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly as I can tell Chica is at my feet.

"Y'know you should probably get washed up." I say, hence the blood.. The slightly bloody fists from kicking Chris's ass.

"...Yeah, But a little more time.." Mark says, nuzzling his face into the back of my head, a sigh coming from me. I close my eyes as his warmth drowns me, and I eventually fall asleep there.

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now