Chapter Eighteen

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The final battle against Cadmus. :) And I promise - the bad guys get what they deserve. Of course, they don't go down without a fight.

Enjoy, guys!


Cadmus was a warzone when other D.E.O. soldiers arrived. Bodies riddled with arrows, bullets, knives, stab wounds, and blood pouring from ears littered the floor. Dig and Rene were watching each other's backs while Dinah moved lithely through soldiers, cracking her staff against skulls. Further down the hall were Thea and Nyssa, the two women alternating between using their bows like staffs and stabbing with their swords. Maggie and Alex were reloading magazine after magazine, Alex a complete raging machine. J'onn, in Martian form, had to take out Cadmus agents about to shoot her from behind, she was on a warpath.

It was Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel that were taking out the most, though. They had been the ones to discover Kara in hell, and they had been the ones with her since the beginning. It came as no surprise to Thea when she turned to see Malcolm take down three in one second, Slade's sword dripping blood on the ground. Laurel stopped once to look in a room Thea knew was empty before turning around. "That room's safe," she said. "I think."

"Ground's secure," Dinah announced.

"Good," Felicity said. "You've still got three to go."

"Wonderful," Dig grumbled.

"So we'll split up and take each of the floors," Maggie said. "I can take the next level."

"I'll take top," Alex volunteered at once.

"All right, we'll go with the cop," Rene said.

"The cop?" Maggie raised an eyebrow.

"I'll go as well," Nyssa volunteered.

"I'll go with J'onn," Thea looked around.

"Me, too," Dig nodded.

Malcolm turned to Alex and raised an eyebrow. "Shall we?"

"Good luck," Dinah called, and Alex led Malcolm, Slade, and Laurel on.


Cars went careening when a breach opened up in the middle of the street. Cisco and Oliver jumped out, Oliver in full Green Arrow gear, Kara and Clark flying out to hover in the air. "This is it," Cisco nodded up at the building in front of them.

Clark squinted, only to groan in annoyance. "Of course. Lined with lead."

"I hate lead," Kara grimaced.

"Let's go," Oliver nodded, heading for the building, Cisco with him.

They made it to the doors when glass exploded from the third floor of the building, flames rushing out. Oliver and Cisco instinctively ducked while Kara and Clark flew around, catching chunks of glass before it reached the streets. Oliver straightened, reaching for his comms. "Guys?" he shouted. "Report!"

"Which floor was that?" Laurel immediately asked.

"Third!" Cisco answered.

"Oh, my God," Dinah whispered in horror.

"Thea!" Malcolm cried in horror.

"John was there, too!"

"And J'onn!" Alex shouted.

Kara's eyes widened, and she dove in through the windows, Clark right behind her. Oliver fired a grappling arrow and soared after them, Cisco opening a breach to head inside.


When they reached the third floor, J'onn pointed down one end of the hallway. "Check that way," he ordered.

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