Chapter Fifteen

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So, I imagine some people want to kill me because of what I did to Samantha . . . I don't blame any of you. However, Samantha's death on Lian Yu is why, in Season 6, William is with Oliver in the first place. So . . . sorry, Samantha. :(

Also, since I last updated (which means 24 hours ago), I came up with another Kariver idea involving "Crisis on Earth-X," and Miss Greenie (Tje1415) suggested another version after the Supergirl episode "Triggers." And being the Kariver obsessed soul I am, I immediately ate those up. And a potential one that might go along the lines of "what if Oliver and Kara interacted more during Invasion!" So, that makes five (possibly six) Kariver ideas now: this one, the Cadmus one, the Daxamites one, and those two (three) up there.

So, I thought I would offer this: if anyone has an idea for an episode/post-episode that could have Kara call upon Earth-1 for help, let me know! If I can work it into a fanfiction idea, chances are good it could probably happen. XD I already have post-"Exodus," post-"Distant Sun," post-"Triggers," and during "Crisis on Earth-X."

OK, enough out of me! The aftermath of Samantha's death up ahead - enjoy chapter fifteen!


"Have you two got anything?" J'onn asked Winn and Felicity as he walked into the control room with Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel behind him.

"Nothing on any of the guests," Felicity shook her head. "I mean, nothing relating them to Cadmus. So unless Lillian walks up to one of them beforehand, hands them a stick of Kryptonite and says 'get close to this one blonde reporter,' and they do it, they're not a threat."

"It looks like there are some places that Kryptonite could be hidden while looking at these blueprints," Winn said thoughtfully, pulling them up on the larger screen. "It'll be easy to aim sensors at the venue and do a scan for it, though."

"So what the hell would Cadmus be able to attempt there?" Slade narrowed his eye.

Something on Winn's computer blared, making everyone turn to him. "Agent Schott!" J'onn growled.

"OK, that was police radios going haywire," Winn pounced on his keyboard, typing rapidly. "Reports of a gun being fired . . . just the one shot," he frowned. "That's odd."

"Any casualties?" Malcolm asked.

"It sounds like just one," Winn answered.

"Why just one gunshot?" Felicity wondered.


Kara jerked upright suddenly, making Oliver stop. "Kara?" She narrowed her eyes, an intense look of concentration on her face. "What is it?"

Kara closed her eyes, straining her hearing to all it was worth. She had heard the gunshot, heard all the 911 calls . . . but there was something else . . . something . . .

"Mom! Mom!"

Her eyes flew open, and she gasped, hand covering her mouth. "Kara!" Oliver pulled her off to the side before pedestrians bumped into them. "What is it?"

"Get back to the D.E.O.," she swallowed, looking around. "I need to go."

"Go," Oliver nodded at once, understanding this was a Supergirl job. "I'll meet you there."

Kara nodded and kissed him quickly, running into an alley nearby. Oliver turned back the way they had come, pulling out his phone, when he heard several people gasp. He turned around, reaching for the knife he had in his jacket, but smiled when he saw Kara, in full Supergirl regalia, fly out of the alley and off into the city. "That's my girl," he said smugly, turning and walking on.

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