I smile, my eyes tearing up. I miss that Tobias, the one where I didn't have to know he kissed another woman. The one I absolutely, positively knew loved me. The one that would've sacrificed anything for me. My Tobias.

"Tris, put the picture down." Chrissy says, putting a comforting arm on my shoulder.

"But... I want to keep it." I whisper.

"Should you?" She looks at me, her eyebrows raised.

"I...Yes. I am keeping it." I put it in my pocket.

"Compose yourself, Marlene texted me, the others are almost here." She says, walking back to the couch. I dab the tears off of my eyes, thank god for waterproof mascara.

I go into the bathroom and make sure I look ok, and go back to the living room. Almost on cue, the door busts open, with the Pedriodiots screaming,"HONEY I'M HOOMME!"

Marlene and Shauna both also them on the head in sync.

I burst out laughing, I love those two. "How yah doing Trissy-poo." Uriah asks.

"Pretty good Uri-poo." I give him a hug.

Zeke doesn't even say hello, he sees the deli and yells,"YAY FOOD!"

I roll my eyes, and go over to grab some of my own food. I got a few different meats, ham, chicken, turkey, and roast beef. I got provolone, cheddar, and mozzarella cheese. Of course there is the additional toppings, condiments, lettuce, tomato and some others.  I have rye, white and whole wheat bread. Lastly, I have egg salad, bags of chips, and pretzels.

We all get food, then sit back down. I got roast beef and provolone on white, and a bag of chips.

"Thank you for the food Tris." Will mumbles with his mouth full.

I laugh,"Your welcome. Eat fast, I want to get the decorations up already."

"But we just got food!" Lynn says, taking another bite.

"I know, I meant just eat fast."

I scarf down my food, and then eat a whole other sandwich as well. By the time we are all done, it's only been 30 minutes.

"Ok, boys, go bring the Christmas tree over here. I want it in the corner of the living room." I say, sending them off.

"Shauna and Lynn, go get the the Christmas village things, Marlene, clear off the coffee table, and lastly, Christina, come with me to get the lights." I get everybody their jobs, and we go over to the pile of boxes.

I grab the large box, with all of the outside lights and the blow up Christmas characters.

"You can't bring that out by yourself." Christina says, grabbing the other end.

We bring it to the front lawn. She helps me sort out what lights go where, and where all the blow up characters will go.

Once we are done, I yell at Will to come help Christina put them up, because there is no way in hell I am going to.

Once he is out there, I grab a box and a fold out ladder and see what there is to hang. I easily wrap the garland around either side of the banister, and decorate the end of each with little snowflakes hanging down.

Then, I put the other garland around the top edges of all the walls of the lower rooms, my bedroom, the kitchen, bathrooms and around the front doors. I have a large ladder that I don't want to fall on while putting it up in my living room, which has very tall walls.

I admire my work, and go grab some window decals for the glass frame around the doors. There are little reindeer, Santa's and elves on the windows.

I decide to take a little break and check in on the Pedridiots with the tree.

"Hey dumbos, How is it going?" I ask, looking at it.

Uriah smiles confidently,"Pretty good, the tree is all set, now it is just lights and ornaments left."

I make sure everything is actually secured on the tree before saying,"Great job, use the red and green lights that are in the box with the ornaments."

I walk out an check on Will and Christina. Most of the lights are lined on the roof, which is surprising considering my house is about 3 stories. I also have reindeer lights, and snowflake lights that I will put in my window.

"Will, stay safe! The last thing we need is a trip to the E.R.!" I yell out to him, grinning.

"I'll be fine, I am not Zeke!" He chuckles, attaching another end of lights to the first story roof.

I head back inside, and check what other decorations I have. There are lots of little knick knacks, like dancing snowmen and a Santa doing the hokey pokey. I find different places around the house, any tables, a few in the kitchen, some in my room, a few in the bathrooms.

I change out the soap in the main bathroom to a peppermint scent in a Santa head dispenser. Then, I change the shower mats to Christmas themed ones, and the curtains to ones with snowflakes. I even put on  Christmas toilet lid covers.

Once I am finally done, I go help Marlene with my Christmas village.

"Hey, did you find all the parts?" I ask, looking through the 2 boxes of little Christmas buildings.

"Yup, I set down the fake snow, now we can put the village houses on.

I smile, decorating for Christmas is such a wonderful feeling, and I am glad to be sharing it with people who really love me.

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