Chapter Twenty-Seven - Tyler

Start from the beginning

It made sense. They were very similar people in so many ways, appreciative of art, fiercely loyal, independent, ambitious, clever... and they had both learned to bend, just a bit.

"I take it you were going to Ireland to see her, then?" I asked. "Not the supposed friends?"

"Please, who have I ever kept in touch with in Ireland other than you?" she snorted. "I'm surprised you didn't question it sooner. Look, Siobhan was nervous about telling you - or anyone, actually, that's a big thing for her."

It was, that was true. Siobhan didn't announce her relationships to the world unless it was serious. "Is... is it serious?" I asked.

"Well," Sorcha considered my words carefully. "Yes and no. No in the sense that no, we're just seeing how things go, we're only just starting out. But yes in the sense that we can't ever just be normal people starting to date, we've got history and I live with her brother and niece in another country."

I breathed out slowly, and said, "Well, I can't say I'm not surprised. Because I am frankly flabbergasted."

"Yeah, that tracks," she replied, nodding.

"But... I'm not surprised that you suit each other," I offered, trying to put my thoughts into words. "I think... I think it could be really great, actually."

"Yeah?" she asked, smiling.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Siobhan's a bit... uptight. I think you'd bring out the fun in her. She's got a lot of it, she's just a bit bound by sensible decision making. I reckon you could make her a bit more spontaneous."

"I'm having a go," Sorcha grinned. "And she's a good grounding influence on me, I think. Reminds me to schedule stuff and organise my life. And she's a very reflective person." She hesitated, and said, "She... she's encouraging me with my mother."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Are you going to see her?"

"Not yet," Sorcha replied cautiously. "I'm calling her once a week at the rehab centre. I think it's partially to check that she's still there. She's got three more full-time weeks there, and then she drops down to part-time. I'm going to visit her then, to help her move into her new flat."

I nodded. "Want me to go with you?"

"No, it's okay, Awny is going to come with me," Sorcha smiled, but squeezed my hand. "Thanks, though. I think it has to be Siobhan, because she keeps me steady. If you were there I think you'd be emotionally supportive but you might struggle to keep me and Mum sensible."

I grinned. "Well, that sounds about right." A thought occurred to me. "Do you want me to explain this to Saskie?"

"No, I'll do it," Sorcha shook her head. "I just wanted you to know first, so you had time to sort through your feelings about it."

"I appreciate that," I replied, because I was honestly still a little dazed. It felt bizarre, seeing that photo of Sorcha and Siobhan clearly having a great time together, rather than avoiding each other and making snarky comments. "Are... are you happy?"

"It's only been a few weeks, but yes," Sorcha smiled, and patted my hand. "I'll let you know when we're getting married."

I laughed. "Thanks, I'll bear that in mind."


Elliot and I were having a movie night at his flat, and by movie night I mostly meant ignoring the movie and kissing him silly while the cats meowed for attention. I set off a bit early, not wanting to get dragged into the argument Sorcha and Saskie were starting about dinner.

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