3: Mortal

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"Congratulations, Master Chen! It's a girl!" the midwife announced excitedly to a young, attractive man in his twenties, who was sitting calmly on his bed.

Apparently displeased, he said, "A girl?"

The astrologer, appearing out of nowhere in the room, said, "Young master, do not fret. You won't be reproached by your family for this! Trust me, this child is a gift from the heavens. She has been sent from the heavens to save the earth from the crisis of war. She has immense spiritual energy, for she is born on the 15th of the lunar month. She will be a heroine and do your family proud. You should name her Chen Ruoying (陈若英 | 若 = like a 英 = flower/ heroine)!"

That baby was Xiaoling. The emperor had merged the Eternal Star into her body, thus giving her massive spiritual strength. He had told her to use the Star when it was needed; her body would know by instinct. And now she was born into a mortal body, to two civilians of the Shui Kingdom (水国 | water).

She was now Chen Ruoying, daughter of Chen Ling (凌 | rise high) and Liu Qiuyu (秋雨 | Autumn Rain).

As young master Chen Ling walked to his wife's room reluctantly with the astrologer and midwife, he looked at his child.

Although really young, her face was beautiful. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen in his life.

Other than Liu Qiuyu, of course. Ruoying had inherited her mother's genes.

The spiritual master examined the newborn baby and reported that she was the baby with the greatest spiritual powers he'd ever seen in his life. Chen Ling looked at Liu Qiuyu.

"Qiuyu, you're the best."


Days passed. Weeks passed. Months passed. Years passed.

Chen Ruoying was now four years old.

Laughter filled the garden. Mainly Ruoying's, as she was running around and poking at her maid.

"Ying-er, stop teasing the servant girls," Liu Qiuyu reprimanded her daughter. The Chen family household had about two dozen servants.

"Servant girls."

This phrase made Ruoying freeze. It had struck a chord in her heart. Servant girls. Oh why, why, why was this phrase so familiar, and why did it sting her heart that badly?

Ruoying suddenly started crying as she worked hard to recall. There seemed to be a faint yet blocked trace of memory beyond her lifespan...

What was it?...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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