2: Banished

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"Xiaoling, is it true that you slapped the Princess of the Skies?" the Sky Emperor sat in his chair, glaring at Xiaoling with his sharp eyes.

Xiaoling glared at Tian Fangyu beside her, "Yes. And so what? She's overbearing!"

The emperor bellowed angrily, "That does not give you any reason to slap her!"

"It doesn't? So there's no reason for justice to exist?" Xiaoling laughed bitterly. Tian Fangyu growled.

The emperor kept his cool. "Is this defiance?" Xiaoling refused to give an answer. She knew she would be punished either way.

"I shall banish you to the mortal realm. Imperial Guard! Cast her down!"

That was the punishment for defiance of royalty. That wasn't part of Xiaoling's plan. She suddenly started weeping as strong arms grabbed her tender ones.

The mortal realm. What a disgrace. Fangyu sneered at Xiaoling, softly laughing mirthlessly.

All of a sudden, the Sky Emperor shouted, "Halt! I've a plan." Hope grew in Xiaoling's heart.

"As you guards know, the mortal realm is undergoing an unstoppable war with the Shadow Immortals causing more chaos-"

Xiaoling's eyes widened. They were casting her down to a place full of war?

"So Xiaoling shall bring the Eternal Star down to the mortals' world. The star has existed longer than the entire universe and will help save the world."

What does a million-year star have to do with saving a war? Nobody knew.

"Xiaoling, descend to the mortal world and we'll tell you when and how you should use it as soon as possible. If you succeed and destroy the Shadow Immortals as well, you will gain recognition."

A coldness flowed through Xiaoling's body. The emperor had read her mind. Suddenly, warmth radiated from her heart as realisation struck her. She had a chance now!

Oh well. This is fate I guess.

She nodded her head. The emperor sent for a young guard to fetch the Star.

Holding the small, snowy-white and glowing star the size of his palm, the emperor cast a spell, waving his other hand.

A flash of light illuminated the sky of the immortal world and the star disappeared with Xiaoling.

They were gone, merged as one.

Eternal Star 万年永星 | Original Wuxia FantasyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ