Foreword/Authors' Note

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Wuxia (武侠) has always been my favourite genre of English and Chinese stories. I've always loved reading and enjoying the history, life-and-death situations, romance and plot twists.

I wrote a wuxia story in Chinese (黑与白) a while ago, but I didn't really finish it. Now I'm planning to write one in English.

I kinda got my inspiration by discovering and reading this story called Dawn. I'd thought it was pretty cool and decided to try it out. Usually, these stories are translated from Chinese, but I thought that I might need to train my English skills. They're getting pretty rusty now.

This is my first ever English story on Wattpad. Forgive me if I make errors. There will be some Chinese words slotted in randomly, but no worries, I'll add in the translations :)

I'll try to write more, but well - I'm a student after all, so I won't write much during the school term.

I'll write and publish chapter by chapter. So thanks for taking your time to read.

I'd appreciate comments very much ;)! If you've got the time, please comment and help me! Thanks! Now, on to the story...

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