1: Defiance

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The faint, warm light of dawn shone on Xiaoling (小凌)'s face.

Though only fifteen, she was a beauty. Dark and warm hair and eyes, with porcelain skin and perfect facial features. Like a beautiful princess.

Yet she wasn't a princess - she was the High Servant Girl of the Sky Emperor (天帝). She was respected by all other immortal servants, but nobody else. Even the lowest-ranking immortal could look down on her.

She lifted her head high up, sitting on a thick cloud.

"I was born to a servant, I stay a servant forever. What's this logic? What's this justice? Even the Princess is uglier than me. Yet I'm forever a servant!" she ranted.

"This is illogical! This is plain stupid! Stupid! Curse everyone! Curse the world! Curse the-" she stopped. She didn't want the word 'emperor' to slip out of her mouth.

"I just need a way to get out there and prove myself worthy of a title higher than this..." she muttered, considering her decisions. Her beautifully thin fingers counted her choices and plans.

Suddenly, Xiaoling felt a tap on her back. Whipping around, she saw another Servant Girl, Xiaofang (小芳). Xiaofang bowed politely - her position was lower than Xiaoling's. At least that cheered Xiaoling up.


"Sister Xiaoling, the Princess is looking for you in her study room," Xiaofang reported.

A proud girl forced to be humble, Xiaoling stifled her 'hmph'. She'd always thought that she was better compared to the Sky Princess. Better looks, greater talents, smarter brains. She'd been forcing herself to respect that princess. With much difficulty.

Sensing Xiaoling's anger, Xiaofang comforted, "Sister Ling, don't be mad at her... it's our fate. The hierarchy of the heavens always works like this. As long as we serve them to our fullest, they'll give us chances to prove ourselves."

Xiaoling sighed and nodded, thinking, Xiaofang, you innocent girl. If chances were given, my older sister didn't have to slog her guts out to death. Well, who said that hierarchies can't be broken? A plan formed in her mind. She waved Xiaofang away and ran to the study room.

"Your Highness, Xiaoling is here."

The princess Tian Fangyu (天芳玉) scoffed. "You took long enough, Xiaoling."

Xiaoling looked away. She didn't want to deal with Fangyu's sarcasm.

"Oh well, servants are just servants. A leopard never changes its spots, after all. Low-grade one. Anyway, I asked you to come because I need you to organise my study room." Sarcasm and scorn was written all over Fangyu's face. Xiaoling growled. This stupid princess acts like a pathetic diva. She's not even as good as me!

Indeed, although Tian Fangyu was a ravishing beauty, she was nothing compared to the beautiful Xiaoling.

"Why don't you ask the other servants? Why me?" Xiaoling said with a forced smile, bending her body low.

"No other servant is as organised as you, my dear beautiful Xiaoling."

Xiaoling scowled at the sarcasm.

"So what are you waiting for, idiot? Get to work!"

"Tian Fangyu, you call me an idiot?"

"Who allowed you to call me by my name, dirty pathetic servant?"

"I don't listen to you!" the aloof Xiaoling shouted.

Smack. The sound of a slap. Xiaoling's face burned, a red mark on the left side of it.

Smack. Xiaoling retaliated.

Xiaoling's strength and spiritual energy was greater than Fangyu's. Fangyu's cheek hurt much more than Xiaoling's.

Hot tears ran around in Fangyu's beautifully shaped eyes. And they fell, running down her flawless face.

She'd never been slapped before. Not even by the Sky Emperor. And her mind was in a mess. Slapped by her servant. By a servant. She was a spoilt girl. She couldn't take it.

"I'm telling Father!" she shouted in her tears. "You're going to get it!

And that's how Xiaoling found herself in the Emperor's Room.

Eternal Star 万年永星 | Original Wuxia FantasyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora