2 Months Later Part 1

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Lauren's POV

"Dinah we can't just leave the hotel at 2 am for ice cream, everyone would kill us. Besides you're sick, you don't need ice cream in this weather." Lauren spoke quietly into the phone, trying hard not to wake up the person sleeping soundly beside her. "But Lauren Europe has the best ice cream and you know it! I want to have some before the concert tomorrow night because I start my diet then. PLEASEEEEEEE go with me!" Dinah begged, knowing she would very well get her way because Lauren was very easy to convince.

Lauren rolled her eyes behind the phone.

"Fine, but we are not, and I repeat, ARE NOT, going to the store 5 miles from here. Don't even try. We will walk the 2 blocks to the one around the corner and that is it." Lauren said sternly. Dinah knew not to argue.

Lauren hung up the phone and began to slowly move out of the bed, being very careful of every move. she slid her left leg off the bed first, sliding her body slowly to the edge more. She began to move her right leg out from under the blankets and accidentally kicked the sleeping beauty. She cursed under her breath when they tossed and turned in their sleep. Lauren heard a low rumble as she stood up off the edge of the bed.

"Babe, where are you going?"

It was the cutest sleepy voice Lauren had ever heard. "Dinah wants to talk." She lies, knowing they were not allowed out past midnight. If anyone knew they were breaking curfew all hell would break loose. "I'll be back in a little bit." Lauren retorted, planting a small kiss on the already asleep girl.

Lauren continued to be stealthy as to not fully wake up her bed-mate. She pulled a shirt and jeans out of her bag and slipped on socks and shoes, quickly stopping in the bathroom to give her hair a slight brush to avoid looking too rugged. Once she was presentable enough to be in public, Lauren walked out her hotel room and quietly shut the door.

Dinah appeared in the hall a few minutes later, looking a bit more done up than one would think for a 2 am ice cream trip. When Dinah walked up to Lauren, Lauren couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"What?" Dinah asked innocently, which just made Lauren laugh more. "Did you seriously do your makeup?" She said between laughs. "Of course bitch! Always gotta be cute." Dinah retorted as she did her signature "I'm cute." Hair flick. Lauren just rolled her eyes and pressed the button to the elevator. As the doors closed Lauren felt her phone buzz. She was going to send it to voicemail and then she saw who it was.

"Hey babe what's up?" She said into the phone. She heard what sounded like someone crying on the other end. "I can't do this. I thought I could but being so far away from you for so long is killing me. I need to see you. I need you." Camila cried into the phone. Lauren's heart couldn't help but break into a million pieces. "I know it's hard baby but we will be together sooner than you know. Our Paris dates are only 3 weeks from now. I will see you then and we will go on that date to the Eiffel Tower like we talked about."

"Three weeks is still a really long time. I need you now. He was at my concert tonight. I didn't know what to do." Lauren's heart began to race. "HE was THERE?!" She practically yelled into the phone. Dinah immediately knew who they were talking about and asked Lauren to put it on speaker seeing as Camila was her best friend. "Mila, you're on speaker. What the hell happened?" Dinah asked, trying to keep her adrenaline down, unlike Lauren who was already on the brink of a fuming rage.

Camila sighed into the phone. "I didn't see him in the crowd. It wasn't until the after party that I knew he was there. I watched him walk into the bathroom and froze. I just stood in the hallway, unable to move. He came out of the bathroom and made eye contact with me and I still couldn't manage to move my fucking feet. He walked up to me and stroked my hair and I just fucking stood there like an idiot."

Lauren was fuming at this point. "He touched you?!" She was red in the face and losing control of all will power she had to not kill this man. "That's it, I'm not performing tomorrow night. You are not gonna be alone, your security clearly isn't doing their job." Camila tried to protest Lauren missing the opening date of their European tour but Lauren insisted that Camila was more important.

The doors to the elevator opened and neither Dinah nor Lauren made an attempt to get out. The doors closed again and Dinah hit the 10th floor button to head back up to their rooms. When they reached their floor the doors opened and Lauren dropped her phone when she saw who was standing just on the other side.


Author's Note

Yes I know I haven't posted in a while, I'be been extremely busy, shoot me. This is a bit on the shorter side but you guys wont be disappointed when you find out what happens next. Enjoy.


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