July 4th

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I wasn't planning to update but since this story hit 2k reads I thought I'd update today for you guys. Thank you so much for reading.
When they are texting, if I use italics it's from the other person's POV.


Lauren's POV

Lauren slowly approached Camila's bedroom door. It was cracked open and Lauren could barely make out Camila laying out on her bed scrolling on her phone with her headphones in. Lauren pulls her phone out to send a text to the younger girl.

My Love 💞💞: Hey babe, how are you?

🌎💚👁: As well as one can me while listening to sappy love songs wishing the one they love was holding them.

My Love 💞💞: I'm closer than you think.

🌎💚👁: Not close enough...

My Love 💞💞: Open your bedroom door.

Lauren watched as a very confused looking Camila took out her headphones and slowly made her way to the door. Lauren was thankful that no lights were on, knowing it was damn near impossible for Camila to see her through the door. When she finally opened the door, the biggest smile spread across the younger girls face. She threw her arms around Lauren and held her tight, sighing into the hug. Lauren did the same. they stayed like this for a few minutes just breathing in the others sent.

Camila finally broke the hug, grabbing Lauren's hand in hers and pulling her towards the room. She sat on the bed and Lauren walked over to "her" side and sat next to her. She smiled when she saw the song Camila had been listening to. "James Arthur huh?" Lauren commented. Camila immediately blushed. "It's a good song." She defended. Lauren just laughed. "I like your cover better." She winked, kissing Camila on the temple.

Camila removed her headphones and leaned over to her night stand to turn on her speaker. She pressed play the the song began to adorn the room.

I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know.

'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go.

I know I needed you, but I never showed.

But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old

When the chorus hit, Lauren began to sing along, holding Camila's hand in her own. Camila looked up from her phone to meet Lauren's eyes. They both smiled and it felt like time slowed. Lauren stopped singing to speak.

"Why are you still up anyways? It's 2 am." Lauren pointed out. Camila looked down, thinking of her answer. "Honestly, I can't sleep when you're not here. I try but I usually just toss and turn all night." Lauren put her right hand under Camila's chin and lifted her head to meet her eyes. "I can't sleep without you either." She confessed, softly kissing Camila's lips. "How about we sleep now?" Lauren asked, nodding her head towards Camila's lamp. Camila nodded and turned to turn off her speaker and her lamp.

They laid down, Camila cuddling up into Lauren's chest. Lauren wrapped her arms around the younger girl and took in the smell of her hair. They soon fell into a deep and comfortable sleep.


That Morning: 9 am

Camila's POV

Camila was woken up by the sound of Lauren crying in her sleep. Concerned, she rolled over to look at the girls face easier. She sat up and placed her hands on Lauren softly shaking her to wake her up, whispering her name every few seconds. A few moments later, Lauren woke up and immediately wrapped her arms around Camila.

They didn't say anything for a while. All Camila wanted was to know what it was that made her girlfriend cry. When she felt the time was right, she decided to ask.

"Babe, what happened?" She asked softly, stroking Lauren's back. She didn't get an answer just a head nod. Lauren didn't have the words.

Lauren's POV

Lauren so badly wanted to tell Camila what her dream was about, but she couldn't, it was too real. She had been having this dream for 3 nights now and she didn't know why. Their relationship was at its best yet this dream kept creeping into her unconscious mind. Maybe it was because last time they were this happy life threw them a curve ball and they went back to zero. Lauren wanted to so badly to avoid going backwards.

She slowly pulled herself out of Camila's embrace, lowering her head to avoid eye contact.

"Lauren, please look at me." Camila pleaded. All she got was silence.

Camila knew how Lauren was. She knew that somethings were just hard to say, but they were always honest with each other. They were always able to talk to the other, which is probably why they had so many problems in the beginning. But they were older now and the past is the past.

Camila tried to lift Lauren's head to meet her eyes but Lauren just turned her head away.

"Lauren, please..." Camila was whispering at this point trying to hid the fact that she was a little hurt by the other girls rejection. But again, all she got was silence.

Feeling defeated, Camila got up out of bed.

"Fine, whatever sulk then." The words came out of her mouth a little harsher than she wanted and she knew they hurt Lauren when she physically winced at her words. This was what Lauren was afraid of. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

Camila gave up and walked out of the room, heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lauren laid back down on the bed at looked up at the ceiling. She hated when Camila acted like this. One second she was the most caring person and the next she was so impatient. It gave Lauren whip-lash most of the time.

Angry at herself for being so stupid and not just telling Camila about her dream, Lauren got up, got dressed and left for a walk. She left her phone knowing that when Camila got out of her shower and discovered she was gone she would call, and the last thing Lauren wanted was to talk.

"Why do you do these things Lauren?!" She asked herself out loud, getting a few dumbfounded looks from passers by as her voice was a bit loud. After an hour of walking around the city, Lauren was beginning to feel bad for leaving. She knew Camila was worried. She was only 2 blocks away, so she decided to head back instead of stopping at the local cafe to get coffee.

When Lauren walked in, Camila was one the phone frantically speaking to someone. Lauren went into the bathroom and heard Camila yell, "She's here! Holy fuck I gotta go!" And then the apartment went silent.

Lauren had locked the door to keep Camila from just walking in like she did that time Lauren was in the shower. Lauren sat down against the door and let out a long sigh. She decided a shower was a good idea.

She took her time trying to extent the time she had alone before she had to explain her dream to a very confused and probably mad Camila.

Lauren never blamed Camila when she got mad like this. It was always Lauren's fault. They swore to always be open but Lauren always finds a way to make that as difficult as possible. It's not her fault she has walls up that are very hard to tare down. Camila was the first one to break through those walls and it scared Lauren so slowly, she built up more to protect herself. It had proven to be a good idea since they had so many falling outs in their relationship over the years.

Not having brought in other clothes, Lauren threw back on the clothes she had worn the night before. She brushed her hair and slowly, with a shaky hand, approached the bathroom door and letting out a very heavy sigh, turned the handle.

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