June 19

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Lauren's POV

Lauren was just waking up when she heard a knock at the door. Her mom and dad were o n a summer vacation with her sister Taylor for the next 3 weeks so Lauren was home all alone. Not expecting company, Lauren peaked out her bedroom window to see if she could spot a vehicle. Much to her dismay, there were no unusual cars in her driveway or near her house. She slipped on a Metallica shirt that she had turned into a muscle shirt and walked downstairs to the door. She looked through the peephole and immediately opened the door, a huge smile across her face.

"Hey Lo, I brought you some coffee. I know how you are before bedtime." Camila joked, making Lauren laugh loudly. Camila desperately missed her laughing at her bad jokes. "It wasn't that funny.." Camila admitted, making fun of Lauren's reaction. Lauren just rolled her eyes and made her way to the couch to sit down. Patting the spot next to her indicating to Camila to take a seat next to her. Camila obliged and sat next to her. "I actually really needed this, thanks." Lauren said, raising her cup up before taking a sip. "No problem." Camila watched Lauren as she closed her eyes and made an "Hmmmm," sound of satisfaction at the gift. Camila stiffened as her body reacted to Lauren's moan in a way she was not expecting. Lauren noticed and gave her a quizzical look.

"You okay?" She asked the younger girl, setting her coffee on the table. Camila tried to relax and shake it off, but then Lauren grabbed her hand and her body went into overdrive. "I...I have to pee!" She exclaimed, abruptly standing up and quickly walking to the bathroom. Lauren chuckled at her awkwardness, totally oblivious to what just happened.

When Camila didn't return 10 minutes later Lauren began to wonder if she was okay. She made her way over to the bathroom and tried the handle but it was locked. "She never locks the door?" Lauren thought to herself. "Camz, you okay?.." No reply. "Camz?" Silence. "Camila! Answer me." Lauren didn't know why she was beginning to feel a bit panicked but she was. She put her ear to the door and still heard nothing. She walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a butter knife, slipping it into the little slit in the door knob to unlock it. She slowly opened the door and then suddenly the door wouldn't move. She snaked her head in to see what was blocking the door and saw Camila sitting on the floor head in her legs. She pushed the door open as far as she could and slipped into the bathroom. By this point, Camila was well aware she was not alone.

"Camz..." Lauren gently placed her right hand on camila's thigh and used her left to lift up Camila's head. The younger one didn't fight, giving Lauren full control. "What's wrong?" Lauren was searching Camila's eyes but all she saw was sadness and emptiness. "I can't help you if you don't...."

"It's you..." Camila muttered, cutting Lauren off. "What do you mean it's me?" Lauren asked, fearing she already knew the answer. Camila was going to leave again. She was going to hurt Lauren all over again and really, Lauren could only blame herself for going to talk to Camila in the first place. "You're what's wrong. Everything you do brings me back to times I wish I didn't have to call ancient history. I'm not over you Lauren. I'll never be over you." Camila admitted. She knew she couldn't get out of this lying and honestly, she didn't want to. Besides, Lauren would see the article soon enough. They had it scheduled to release at midnight of last night so the second Lauren opens up social media of any kind she will know the truth. "I have to show you something..." Camila said, interrupting the silence between them and getting to her feet.

Confused but curious, Lauren followed Camila back into the living room. Camila grabbed Lauren's laptop off the coffee table and opened it up. This was not something that should be read on a tiny 6 inch screen. "You don't know my password." Lauren stated as Camila began to type. When she was granted access, Lauren was stunned. "But... I changed it?" She was completely shocked and confused. "You only use 3 passwords Lauren, if one doesn't work, I just type one of the other two. Also, you have a pattern to when you change them." Camila simply stated, leaving Lauren in complete awe. "wow, she really pays attention to detail." Lauren thought to herself as Camila typed in the URL.

Lost (Camren 5h)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang