A Cold & Cruel World

Start from the beginning

Teacher: Y/N! Wait!

Y/N: DIE!!!!!!...GRR!!....FINAALL FLAASSHH!!! GAHHHH!!! *fires Final Flash*

You fired a mountain sized beam of energy that blinded everyone in the area, and it engulfed the land for over 10 miles, and incinerated everything in its path, and went so far it shot out to space. The blast killed hundreds, almost thousands of humans. A large chunk of Remnant was destroyed, and buildings were no more. Once your energy blast finally disappeared, there was nothing left in front of you. Your body returned to it's normal state, and you released the barrier that protected your family. You picked up your father in your arms and began to walk away as your mother and Kayla followed.


You were stood in a snowy forest in front of a stone that you used as a headstone for your father. Your mother and Kayla were behind you, while you stood in front of him.

Y/N: Father, you were taken from us by the humans. I avenged your death, but I won't stop there. I will make the humans know not to mess with the faunus.

From the shadows, a boy who was younger than you came out, he had bull horns and red hair, but was wearing a White Fang mask.

???: Are you ready?

Y/N: Yes, Adam, thank you for this.

Adam: Anything for a fellow faunus Y/N, come on, lets go home. Remember, no evidence.

You nodded and walked towards your home as your mother and Kayla walked towards Adam. He picked up Kayla and began to pet her to comfort her, you raised your hand towards your home and blasted it away with an energy beam. It exploded into nothing, and the fire was raging. You walked off with Adam to your new home, one where you would fit in.


You were walking around the White Fang camp wondering what to do when you saw little adam struggling to carry a small crate. You walked over to him, and patted his head.

Y/N: Need some help bud?

Adam: N-No! *struggles to lift box* I can...do it!!

You chuckled at his attempt and lifted the crate easily. You set it aside and crouched down to Adam's height.

Adam: *pouts* I didn't need help.

Y/N: *chuckle* Sure kiddo, come on, lets get some chow.

Adam: I get your dessert!

You went to the eating grounds and began to eat with Adam. He looked up to you as a bigger brother, and you both bonded with each other quickly. As you were eating, a female White Fang memeber came running to you.

FWFM: Y/N! Hurry! Your mother has gone into labor!

You dropped everything and ran to the medical tents. You could hear your mother screaming in pain from going into labor.

Y/N: She wasn't due for another week!

Doctor: Well looks like baby wants to come early! Go and hold her hand, she'll need something to crush. Nurse! Get the warm water and blankets! And get more morphine!

The doctors and nurses got to work quickly, and you were with your mother for over an hour. After many fingers getting crushed, she finally pushed one last time, and the newborn came out perfectly. The nurse cleaned it up and cut the umbilical cord.

FWFM: It's a girl! Congratulations!

The doctors and nurses were clapping as you took hold of your new baby sister. You leaned to your mom who was dead tired.

Y/N: Mom look, she has ears and a tail like me.

Mom: *giggles* She's beautiful.

Y/N: What do we call her?

Mom: You choose sweetheart.

Y/N: How about Crystal?

Mom: Crystal...I love it.

Crystal was crying in your arms and you handed her to your mother, and she stopped crying. You got up and began to leave, and your mother was confused.

Mom: Where are you going?

Y/N: *shows broken fingers* F-Find the doc *tear drops and smiles*

You mom nervously chuckled as you left. She held Crystal close to her and smiled seeing her newest addition to the family.

Mom: Crystal, you're going to be an amazing woman someday. And your big brother is going to keep you safe also. I love you Crystal, my little wolf baby.

FWFM: Here, I'll put her in the nursery tent for her to rest. You should get some as well.

Mom: Thank you for everything.

FWFM: It's no problem ma'am.

She walked off with your baby sister, and you were looking up at the night sky, thinking about everything that's happened.

Y/N: What a crazy life....Raven...I wonder what you're doing right now...

In Vale

Raven was curled up in bed, being spooned by another person. She stirred in her sleep and woke up confused, and the other person noticed.

???: Hmm? B-Babe? You awake?

Raven: Sorry, just felt like someone was talking about me.

???: Just go back to bed.

Raven: Alright Tai.

Tai and Raven kissed as they snuggled closer.

Tai: Mmm, I love ya...

Raven: I love you too.

Wolves Stick Together: RWBY X Wolf Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now