Chapter21: Epilogue

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2 years later

Lisa's P.O.V.

"Mama... I'm going to be a good girl." Smilingly, she looks up at me showing her missing front tooth. She then snuggles closer to me.

"Hmm...why do I doubt that sweetie?" I adjust myself to a more comfortable position. I lean against the headboard finding it more comfortable.

"I'm going to be a good girl from now mama. And I'm going to protect my baby sister from the monster under my bed." She pats her little hand on my protruding stomach.

" you want a baby sister?" Sohee never gave her opinion on this matter. Never did she mentioned before that she wants a baby sister. Gosh the monster under my bed!

"Sweetie you never told me about the monster under your bed." At the age of five, she is still so sweet and cute, just like the little Sohee I met the first time. But now more mischievous. She wears a white floral cotton frock, her hair untied, flowing down a little longer than her shoulders. I play with her soft locks.

"Shh... it'll hear me. It'll come to eat me tonight. I'm scared." She knits her brows together, her face showing worry.

"Hmm... why don't you sleep together with your baby sister?"

"Really mama... Yay!" She stands up on the bed and starts jumping singing 'I'm going to sleep with my baby sister'.

"Sweetie stop jumping. You may hurt!" I try to reach her. Ouch! Not again.

I'm now eight months pregnant. Well I look like a whale with the big stomach. I even cried once when a small boy laughed at me saying I was very fat in the shop selling baby stuff. But Taehyung says that I am still beautiful and my skin glows too. I don't get it though.

The skin of my underarms, genitals and nipples have darkened. Sometimes I feel disgusted with myself seeing the changes before the mirror. Doctors assured that darkening of skin is related with the pregnancy.

My emotions are in shambles, my tears always at the bay, to let free. And now the horrible back pain kicks again.

"Ouch...ouch" I yelp in pain. Sohee stops jumping hearing my moans.

"Mama are you okay?" Oh no she's about to cry!

Just on time, the pain vanishes. "Shh...its okay sweetie. Mama is fine." I hug her assuringly.

"Is she making you pain?" She frowns keeping her gaze on my stomach.

"No sweetie it was just some back pain. Now go and change into your PJs. Gosh its already late!" I peek at the clock that shows 11pm. She climbs down the bed to change.

My phone on the nightstand vibrates when I too try to climb down the bed with much effort. I need to pee urgently.

Ouch... the leg cramps. I reach my arms as far as possible to pick up the call.

"Lisa...Lisa are you okay?" He sounds worried. Probably because I didn't pick up the call fast.

"Yeah its just the leg cramps..
Not a big problem."

"If it wasn't this deal I would have been there with you... sorry. I miss you so badly."

"The deal was important. I understand how important it was to you... I miss you too." I sigh feeling lonely. Pregnancy is not helping me.

"Hey I'll be returning in 2 days. Then we'll catch up. By the way where is Sohee?" Sohee appears wearing her pink PJs.

"Is that daddy?" I nod in confirmation.

TAELICE : THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now