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Lisa's P.O.V.

"When are you returning honey?"

"Tomorrow mom."

"Can't you stay here longer? Both your dad and I miss you. I should talk to your sir about some leave extension."

"Mom there is no need for some talk. To him, talk or not, the answer remains the same 'no'. He may fire me mom, which I definetely don't want."

"Just one-."

"Mom I miss you and dad too. I love this job. Plus he's offering me preety good salary. Okay?"

"You should ask for leave sometimes."

"I promise. I'll be here often like twice a month. He may not be that 'arrogant sir' who can't even grant this."

After five months of working in The Kim Mansion as a nanny, I'm right now in my house as he, Mr. Kim, thought that I might be tired or time for family unison, he gave me two weeks leave. Honestly speaking, I miss Sohee more than Taehyung.


Because I've become quite close to her. Three days later, its her birthday. Also the third death anniversary of Rose, Sohee is turning three. Oh my god! Since she is a baby, she's growing up fast. With those features from both the parents, many boys will go down to knees begging her to be their girlfriend. Not to forget her strict father.

"The birthday is tomorrow?" Mom is currently sitting at the counter watching me bake a cake for Sohee. Tomorrow is the birthday so I need to bake the cake today.

"Yes." I answer to the point as I'm busy mixing the recipes in the right amount. There are three things I'm expert in. One, baking. Two, cooking ramen. Three, applying makeup .

After two hours of hard work, I put the cake in the oven. Only the grooming part is left.


As I enter the living room, mom is changing the channels on the T.V. I sit beside her as she settles on VH1.

"Omo! its Taylor Swift's new song 'Look what you made me do'. I watched it once before, instantly became my favorite.

"She's hot with that red dress and the snakes all around." My mom exclaims. She's a modern woman, you know. Then we are disturbed by the door bell.

" Coming."

"Oh my! Jisoo." Jisoo is my mom's sister's daughter who is two years older than me. She is the only beautiful girl in their family, but she denies the fact. Duh!

"Hey Lalisa. how are you man?"

Man? seriously?

"Fine. Now come in."

"Hi aunt."

"Oh! hi Jisoo. I thought you have forgotten the way to this house."

"Sorry guys. Its hard to travel with the baby." She's married and has a one year old daughter.

"You didn't bring the baby. why?" I have seen once that too on the day of delivery.

"I was returning from work and I just came by here. I'll bring her on your weeding day. Don't worry." Then she laughs hysterically.

"Haha very funny. Mom you too." Jisoo knows that I hate this wedding thing and she's taking the advantage.

"I'll make some coffee." Mom disappears in the kitchen.

"What are you doing nowadays?"

"Nanny. I nanny a child. I'm on leave now. Tomorrow is her birthday. I bake a cake for her."

"You sure do love babies."

" Yeah but there is something about this baby. She draws me towards her um.... like a magnet. I too find peace near her. I... I just love this baby." Then I narrate the Kim's family story to her.

As soon as I enter the Kim mansion, I see everybody in black. I remember 'Man In Black'. I don't question myself as my eyes are busy searching for Sohee. Ah! there she is.

"Happy Birthday baby girl!! See aunty brought you a teddy and a cake. Aunty specially baked it for you." Sohee is still in Bogum arms, trying to escape.

"Lisa, I need to say-"Bogum tries to say something when...

"What is this mess?" I carefully place the cake on a nearby table and hand the teddy to Sohee. I turn around to face him.

"What do you think you are doing?" All of a sudden in a blink of an eye, the cake is on the floor. He snatches the teddy from Sohee and soon joins the cake on the floor, making Sohee cry out of her lungs. I can feel something wet on my cheeks. I come to know I'm crying. With just that mere action, its enough to shatter my heart into millions of pieces that cannot be mended easily again.

"Bogum take Sohee in her room." Sohee is still crying but I cannot hear anything. My feet is glued to the floor as if they have their own control. I try to run away but I can't.

"Don't you know that today is Rose's death anniversary? Are you doing this on purpose?"

Doing on purpose?

"Tell me. Why are you damn silent now? Why are you trying to be close with my daughter? So that you can take Rose's place? So that you can become rich man's wife? How much money do you want. I'll give you anything you want. Just... just stop this drama?"

"Drama?" Now I can't take anymore of the insults.

"You think my love for your daughter is drama, a mere act for money? I'm a gold digger? Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Kim but I love your daughter truly, from the heart. Its you who don't love your daughter. Instead of cherishing her presence, you are remorshing it. I think you regret having her Mr. Kim. I have my own self respect. I don't earn money by playing with emotions. I earn money by respect. And you don't need to fire me because I'm resigning. Good Bye Mr. Kim. I hope we don't meet in the future again."

I close my eyes as tears falls down continuously. For the last time, I remember Sohee. I take up the cake and the teddy from the floor. With a heavy heart I leave that house with the memories .

From this moment I begin to hate him.

TAELICE : THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE (Edited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें