His Name is Sinbad

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We'd been traveling for a few weeks now and were almost at Balbadd.

" Hey Morg, you're going to Balbadd so you can get on a ship to your homeland, isn't that right?" Aladdin asked as we ventured down the road, Morgiana and I trailing right behind him.

" Yes, that's right. But there's something I've been meaning to tell you two. You see, I want to thank you both and Alibaba." Morgiana replied. We stopped walking and Aladdin turned towards her in confusion.

" Thank us?" He inquired. Morgiana smiled.

" I am grateful. You've given me a future of true freedom. I am forever in your debt. Thank you both." She got down on the ground in a low bow.

" Hey! Come on, it's alright Morg. And if I know my friend Alibaba, he'd feel the same way I do. So there's no reason to thank us, because Alibaba's just that kind of guy, you know!" Aladdin explained. 

" He's right, Morgiana. You don't need to thank us. We were happy to help." I said with a small smile on my face. Morgiana returned the gesture and got up from the ground.

" Oh boy, it's been way too long. I can't wait to see him again!" Aladdin said.

" Yeah, and we'll be able to if we follow this road." Morgiana pointed to the road ahead.

" Alright, then let's go!" 

Just as we were about to start moving again, I saw someone approaching us from down the road.

'Is he..... he is!!' 

" Oh, hello. Real nice weather today, huh?" The naked man asked us. His long purple hair was pulled back and thankfully, there was a large leaf covering his... umm.. lower area.

I quickly darted behind him, one of my daggers pointed at his neck.

" Look out Morg! And get back!" Aladdin yelled as he tried to shield Morgiana, who was in a fighting stance.

"It's okay. Just leave everything to me!" She replied.

" He might be a monster!"

" He-Hey, I'm not! Just hear me out."

" I suggest you explain yourself. Quickly." I said, pushing my dagger close to his neck. 

Finally noticing the blade at his jugular, he gulped.

" A-Alright."

~Time Skip~

" I appreciate you lending me these clothes, Aladdin. Thank you." The man said as he sat by the fire we started, dressed in a top and shorts that were comically small on him. " My name is Sin. I got totally cleaned out by some bandits on my way to Balbadd today." He explained.

' To think we would run into him of all people. But it's not hard to tell how he got wiped out, I can smell the alcohol on him. '

" I see.... I'm sorry, mister. As somebody who's crossed the desert, I guess I can get a little paranoid about danger sometimes." Aladdin told Sin.

" Ah.... so you've crossed the desert?" Sin asked.

" I've made it from the North Tian Shan Plateau to the Central Desert. I saw so many unusual plants and animals along the way!" Aladdin explained.

" I'm sure....good. That euphoria from coming upon unknown lands and knowledge... The confidence that comes from finding new paths, the experience, the bond between friends you'd risk your life for.. Adventures are great. And they are everyman's true dream." Sin commented as he stoked the fire.

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