Battle Cry

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" Like we'd ever let you get your way!" Alibaba exclaimed.

The mysterious girl waved her scepter and the rock snake flew at us again. Aladdin blocked it with his Borg and the rest of us jumped out of the way.

" Mr. Hakuryuu! Take Morg and that girl to safety!" Aladdin told the prince.


Alibaba handed Morgiana to Hakuryuu and they set off for the treasure room.

He suddenly tensed and clutched his bruise.

" Alibaba, don't over do it with your magoi!" I exclaimed as I drew my twin blades. The boy followed suit and we summoned our weapon equips.

The girl summoned more rock snakes and sent them at us. They landed with a crash and cloud of dust obscured our view.

" Aladdin!" Alibaba and I yelled from the spot we dodged to.

As the dust started to clear we saw a large crater in the ground.

" My, my! Did they shatter and disappear?" The mysterious girl asked.

" You're such a fool..." Isnan said.

" Hmm?"

" Do you really think that would be enough to bring them down?"

Suddenly, Aladdin emerged from the crater, his Borg protecting him, and we ran to meet him as he landed.

" Just what you'd expect from a magi!" The girl said as she and her friend jumped down from their snake. " Let me introduce myself. I'm Dunya Musta'sim, a princess of the Kingdom of Musta'sim." She motioned to the man her knelt by her side. "This man is my knight, Isaac. We're pleased to make your acquaintance!"

" Did you say Musta'sim?" Alibaba asked.

" You know of it?"

" It was a pretty big country in the west, right?"

" But then it was wiped out by Magnoshutatt ten years ago." I explained.

" May I ask a question of you as well, Alibaba?" Dunya asked. " Tell me, why are you still alive?"

Alibaba was shocked.

" As a prince of a country that's been overrun and destroyed, how were you able to survive?"

" Balbaad hasn't been destroyed! It still exists as a republic!"

" As a country in name only. It's essentially under Kou rule... isn't that right?"

" Well..."

" The fact that you remain alive must be some mistake. Therefore... I shall do you the favor of killing you! With this dark metal vessel!" Dunya exclaimed.

" Did she say dark metal vessel?" Alibaba asked.

" Yes. A metal vessel created by the Organization that feeds on black rukh, which no one but us can wield." Isnan explained. " Of course, at this point I don't think it's worth explaining to you."

" At this point?"

" Lord Isnan, Isaac, please don't lift a finger. I want to show the Organization how powerful I am. Power resides within me too... and I shall prove it to them!" Dunya exclaimed as she plunged her scepter into her body.

' It's just like with Cassim!'

" Stop it... Stop it, Cassim!" Alibaba yelled.

" Alibaba?!"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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