The Sorcerer of Creation

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" Don't tell me we're outside now." Alibaba said in confusion.

Most people would have guessed that given the blue expanse above us and the city below. However, there is only one way to escape a dungeon. You have to make it all the way to the treasure room and be chosen by its djinn.

" Look!" Aladdin replied. He pointed to some gold designs that seemed to be floating in the sky.

" Wait a minute. So that means we're still...."

" We're still inside the dungeon." Aladdin explained.

Suddenly, a pillar of fire shot up from the center of the Necropolis. Aladdin took off his turban so we could reach it. As we flew over the Necropolis, Alibaba said " Not a soul to be seen anywhere. I wonder what kind of place this is."

" Its called a Necropolis." I replied.

" Huh?" He asked.

" Oh, I heard about those from Ugo a long time ago. Outside the Room of Fortitude, there's a vast city of the dead; the Necropolis." Aladdin explained to him. 

" Room of Fortitude? Wait a minute, are you telling me that giant can talk?" Alibaba asked.

" Only his body can emerge right now, but he does have a face too. He's a pretty handsome guy, you know?" Aladdin replied.

" I see. He's the friend you like to brag about, huh?" Alibaba turned to face Aladdin. " When we get the flute back, I want you to introduce me to Ugo. And I also want you to hear all about you and Alecs." 

" Mhmm. Sounds good!"

" I'll think about it."

We flew down to where the flames came from and found another door. Aladdin and Alibaba opened it the same way as the door to the Necropolis. All we saw for a few seconds was a bright, white light, but that soon faded away. Now we stood in a tall, octagon shaped room that had scroll work covering the walls. In the middle of the room, there was an opening on the roof to let light shine down on what seemed to be an ordinary vase. There were also piles of what looked like plain metal objects; armor, swords, and pots abounded but seemed dull and worthless.

" Is this..... the goal? The thing we've been setting our sights on?" Alibaba asked as we reached the bottom of a flight of stairs. Aladdin was riffling through one of the piles and I peered around the room.

Suddenly, we felt heavy footsteps behind us and turned around. Behind us stood Goltas, covered in blood. We moved out of the way as he crashed down to the floor. Aladdin ran over to him and exclaimed " This is awful! Look, he's burned horribly in front!"

Alibaba and I looked back at the door in time to see Morgiana approaching rapidly.

" Aladdin!!" We yelled just as Morgiana landed a hard kick to his stomach.

Aladdin flew into a wall and grunted in pain as Morgiana landed on one foot next to Lord Jamil, his sword drawn. Alibaba drew his knife and pointed it at them. " It's you again!!" He exclaimed. As this happened, I backed into a corner so I wouldn't be seen.

' Crap! I want to help, but those other three don't know I'm here! I'll lose the element of surprise if things go south!'

" How dare you....... Piece of trash!" Jamil yelled. " You commoner...... who do you think you're talking to?"

" Here it makes no difference, whether you're a lord or a commoner." Alibaba replied.

" Makes no difference, you say? Heh, now you're being absurd. You are weak... uncouth... a piece of garbage unworthy of living!" Lord Jamil grew even more outraged.

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