Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Euan looked up from where he was seated at my dining table eating my TV dinners and talking to my homeless kid. Said homeless kid was happily munching away on not one, not two, but three protein bars and drinking from a bottle of my premium vodka. Euan flashed me a smile, scooting back in the seat, the wrought iron legs of the chair scraping the wood flooring, much to my chagrin.

Even worse, the pixie was decked out in another weird as fuck outfit. Tight leopard print jeans and a bright purple v-neck that read badder than the baddest in poorly translated English. Sitting on his caramel hair was a yellow slip beanie with a pin stuck to the front that read TMI.

"Afternoon, buddy ol' pal o' mine," he greeted, holding up a fork that had speared what could barely pass as meatloaf, "How was your doctor appointment?" I snapped my head to glare at Alek, who blushed and looked at me sheepishly.

"He just wanted to know where you were. I didn't think it was a big secret," he offered. I rolled my eyes and dropped my things by the sofa, going into the kitchen to grab a glass to pour myself some of the vodka before I used the bottle as a weapon.

"Anyway," Euan continued, leaning back in the chair as he munched away on my TV dinner, "I actually don't have anywhere to stay at the moment and I know you told me to go back and watch them, but honestly, nothing is happening right now. The shifter's gone silent, Viviana and Geara are house hunting, the little baby is safe-- Oh! Did you know Ambrosius is pregnant again?" I stopped in the middle of pouring vodka into my cup and Alek looked at Euan in surprise.

"The guardian of Purgatory?"

"Yup! Faes tend to get knocked up right quick, yeah? Thank the gods above I don't have one of those things. I'd never be able to take care of a child, and given how many times I was fucked in Gehenna? I'd be worse than the Duggars!"

I said nothing as I set the vodka down and leaned back against the countertop by the sink, frowning into the glass.

Another child? Didn't he learn his lesson with the first one? Why would you ever want to have a second child? A shudder went through me as a phantom pain spread through my abdomen and I rubbed at the place once before removing my hand and tossing back the glass of vodka, savoring the burn of it down my throat and into my stomach.

"Gehenna," Alek said, gaping at Euan, "You were in Gehenna?" Euan nodded.

"Spent quite a while there. Was freed by a couple of freaks from Heaven."


"You ever hear of the archangel Michael?"

"How can I not," Alek exclaimed, "I've heard all about him growing up! My mother was pretty big on Catholicism. How is he a freak?"

"Because he's dating the Demon of Destruction."

"Xiphrus," Alek asked quizzically, "That's... the weirdest combination I've ever heard of."

I shook my head at their discussion and left them to it, heading to the bedroom with the rest of the bottle. I wasn't going to kick Euan out. I was exhausted, didn't feel like arguing with him, and it's not like he was going to leave anyway. I'd learned a long time ago that he was a cockroach and just kept coming back. In fact, I wasn't entirely surprised to have heard he'd been freed from Gehenna, or that he'd ended up there in the first place.

Besides, I'd asked him to keep an eye on the whole prophecy situation for me and the least I could do was give him somewhere to sleep for the night. I might as well convert my damn place into a motel considering Alek was already staying here anyway.

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