Chapter 25. You did meet her

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Scott's Pov

Once we have lunch and hang out for a bit we all decide to head home. "Come on guys it's getting late" Mitch says signalling them all over to the car. As we all walk through the car park I look back to see Spencer And Tyler holding handing and talking. "AWwwwww" I say really loudly. They both giggle. Mitch comes to my side and I put my arm around him. Avi and Kirstie are in front of us and they are walking very close together. And then there is Kevin. I honestly feel so bad for him. We all seem to be in a relationship except for him.

We walk until we find our cars. We are just about to get in car when we see Kat, from the store, coming over to us. "Hey guys sorry I just had to say bye! And I wanted to give you this" she says as she holds out a picture. "My younger sister Mai drew it for you guys! I was watching a superfruit video one day and she told me she had seen you two at a restaurant a few days before. And so she went and drew you a picture and told me to post it on twitter." She tells us. "Wait is that mai!! Like our cute friend that we met!" Mitch asks me. I get out my phone and find the selfie we took with her. I show kat. "Is this her?" I ask. "YEAH. WOW SHE ACTUALLY DID MEET YOU!" She says really excitedly. We all laugh and Mitch and I take her picture. "Tell her we love it!" Mitch says. "I sure will, well I better get going." She says as she starts to walk away. "Byee!" We all say together.

"Hey wait. Kat?" Kevin calls out. He walks up to her. "Yeah what's up?" She says as she turns around. "What's your number. You seem cool would love to catch up some time" Kevin asks as he gets out his phone. "Wait! REALLY!!" Kat says excitedly. "Yeah.!" Kevin says back. Once they exchange numbers Kevin hugs her and walks back over to us. And she walks to her car. "AWWW. I think Kev has a crush!" Kirstie says.

"No...." Kevin says shyly. We all laugh. "Well come on let's go." I say and we all pile into the cars.


I purposely made this one short because I'm packing because I'm going away to albury. DOES ANY ONE LIVE THERE XDDDD THAT WOULD BE SOO COOL!!!!

Okay yeah byeeeee

Forever Young ~ Scomiche Fanfic (Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now