Chapter 10. Over Reacting.

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Scott's POV.

I decide to take Mitch out to lunch today. After we get ourselves ready we go and jump in the car. We blare Beyoncé out of the radio. We both sing along. I slide my hand down into Mitch's hand. He interwinds his fingers into mine. A smile creeps onto my face. "I love you Scott, don't forget that" Mitch says softly. "Mitch, I will always love you too" I say to him moving my thumb against his hand.

Once we arrive at the resturant, Rashays (again have no idea if hey have that in America) we wait to be seated. A waiter comes over to us. "Hi, my name is Tom, and I'll be your waiter today" Tom says is a cheerful voice. "Hi Tom" Mitch says In A happy voice. Tom guides us over to our table.

"Here you go" Tom says, signalling down to the table. I sit down and Mitch goes to sit down. "Wait!" Tom says and he grabs Mitch's hand to pull him up. Tom leans down and wipes the seat. He stands up and grabs Mitch's hand again and sits him down. "There we go" he says with a smile. "I'll come back soon to get your order" Tom says and walks off.

"Well that was awkward" I say. "Hehe I thought it was cute" Mitch says. I pick up the menu and look through he pages. "I'm going to get a pizza" I say pointing to the pizza on the table next to ours. "Why don't we share one. It seems pretty big" Mitch says. "Good idea" I say as I close the menu. Tom soon walks over.

"Hey. You ready to order" Tom asks. He looks at Mitch and doesn't turn away. Mitch stares up at him. "Uh ah yeah" Mitch says trying to find his words. I roll my eyes. It almost seems as if Tom is trying to flirt with Mitch. "We will get a pizza" I say disturbing their staring. "Fine" Tom glares at me. "He is cute" Mitch says not thinking about what he just said. "Are you serious" I glare. "Oh but not as cute as you" he says turning his stare to me. I just roll my eyes.

Once our meal comes Mitch and I have no shared a word. "Here you go" Tom says as he put the dish on the table. As he leans back up he looks at Mitch. They stare at each other again. I don't know if I'm overreacting but I still think Tom is flirting with Mitch.

We start to eat the pizza. Tom comes over to us several times to make sure we are all good with out meal. And every time I don't hesitate in telling him to go away. "You can be so rude sometimes" Mitch says glaring at me. "Are you serious. Am I suppost to sit here and watch a man, we don't even know, flirt with my boyfriend" I almost scream at him. "Scott! He is just being nice" Mitch says back. "I can tell when someone is flirting with someone else. And what the Tom is doing, is not just to be nice" I say as I stand up. "You know what, why don't I leave so you and Tom can stare at each other with out me being rude" I say as I make my way to the front door. "Scott wait!!" Mitch yells back. I don't turn around.

I walk past the kitchen when Tom walks in front of me. "Hey. You. Yeah. Thanks." I say as I push him slightly making him loose his balance. He falls over and looks up at me. I feel a hand on my back and I turn around. It was Mitch "Why did you have to go and do that" Mitch says. I pull away from his hand and I storm out the door.

Mitch's POV.

he can be soo irritating. Why does he always overreact. Tom was just being nice. I think. I reach down to help Tom up. "Are you okay?" I ask him once he is up. "Yeah. I'm fine. Have I done something" he asks. "No. He was just being an idiot" I say back to him. But was he. Was Tom really trying to flirt with me. Yeah no. Like he would.

"Hey. Why don't your wait ten minuets. That's when I get off. We can talk about it if you want" Tom says as he pats my shoulder. "Sounds good. I'll wait for you over there" I say pointing to the table we were sitting at. I walk over to the table and sit down. Scott has left his wallet here. Being the nosy me I am I open it. In the photo pocket I see a photo of me and him. From the day he asked me to be his boyfriend.

In the pocket where the notes go there were more photos. The one with us and mai. Another one with Wyatt. One with our friend Kirstie, Avi and Kevin. I smile at these photos.

The ten minuets goes quick. The next thing I know Tom comes over and sits down. "Hey. So tell me. What happened..."


Okay so thanks to all the people who helped me make this chapter. @selkhetti and @youknowyoulovemoey both helped me soooo much so thank you both. I defs needed help. So yeah.

Also @scotthoying followed me on wattpad. 😁 honestly don't have any idea if it's the real Scott but I was dying. When I first saw it.

Also. So sorry for the long time since the update. But I'm soo close to getting 100 votes. So I'll be updating when I get 100 votes.

And if I get 2.5k reads ill do a double update. Okay yeah.

Okay so yeah. If you have any idea for future chapters Inbox me or DM me on twitter.

Okay so byeee.

Forever Young ~ Scomiche Fanfic (Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now