Chapter 24 Kat

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Okay sorry y'all for not updating but if you read the last thing you will understand. Well anyway I'm back now xx

Also this chapter is dedicated to @PTX_pentaholic99 because she is amazing and super sweet. Go give her a follow maybe. And check out her fanfic.

Scott's POV

The next morning I wake up with Mitch in my arms. And Tyler on the floor with Spencer... Okay I have no idea what happened after we got home last night. I think I must have been a little drunk ahha.

The room seems to smell of alcohol. I lift myself up and place Mitch back down on the couch. I walk over to the kitchen where I find Kirstie and Avi standing there extremely close. "Um hi guys..." I say trying not to startle them. "Oh hey Scott" they both say together. "We didn't want to wake you guys so we just made our selves at home this morning." Kirstie tells me. "Haha that's okay. Where is Kevin?" I ask. As I can't see him around. "Oh he went home to freshen up" Avi says.

We talk and mess around for a bit until I finally ask the question. "So are you two a "thing"" I say with a smirk. The both look at each other. "Um. Not yet" Avi says looking at Kirstie. "Maybe in the near future. But not now" Kirstie says not breaking there eye contact. "AWWWWW" I scream.

And I must have been loud cause shortly after spence walks in asking why we were being so loud. I explained what happened. And he did the exact same thing. "AWWWWW" we all laugh. And sure enough Tyler and Mitch both walk in after. Avi, Kirsite Spencer and I all burst into laughter.

After we all are awake and fresh we talk about what we are going to do today. "Um well I want to go shopping!" Kirstie says. "YASSSS PLEASEEE" Tyler yells. We all laugh. "Will Kevin meet us there" I say. "Yeah of course okay so it's a deal we are going shopping" Mitch yells.

_-_-_ At the shops. _-_-_

We walk in one long line through the local shopping centre. "Let's go in here!" Tyler says pointing to a small clothing shop in front of us. We all walk in and we split up looking at different clothes for ourselves. I walk around until I find the cutest button up shirt. I find my size and go meet up with Mitch. "You like?" I ask him holding up the blue and yellow shirt. "YAS THATS SUPERCUTE" he exclaims. "I'm going to go try it on brb" I say using text language. I walk over to the change rooms and try it on. It looks even better on. I walk out of the change rooms at the same time as Tyler walks out. Even though he went in about ten minuets after me.

We look at each other. "That looks so cute on you!" I tell Tyler as he does a turn showing off the black shirt he found. It has a floral pattern down the sides and it looks so good on Tyler. "So does yours!" He tells me. "Okay I'm buying this. " I say as I walk back into the change rooms.

After I get back into my other shirt I take the button up shirt to the girl behind the counter. "Just this?" She asks looking down. "Yes thanks." I say and she looks up. "Oh.. Oh my god!!!" She screams. "What!" I say and look behind me as I thought she saw something behind me. "You...your sc..Scott HOYING!!" She tells. "Yeah I am!!" I say back excitedly. "Omg I'm a massive fan. I love you and Mitch Grassi and Pentatonix!!" She tells me. "Actually Mitch, Kevin, Kirstie are here with me!" I say. "I get they would love to meet you!" I continue. "OH MY GOD!!" She screams again. "Guys. Come here I've got someone who wants to meet y'all!" I scream over the shop.

The all come rushing over. "AHHH!!" She screams. Walking out behind he counter. She walks over to us. "Can I hug you and have a photo.!" She asks shyly. "YEAH OF COURSE!" Mitch says very loudly. "Yes Scott!!" Tyler walks up to us after like 5 minuets. "Haha I called you ages ago" I say laughing. "I was fixing up my quiff of course." He says and we all start to laugh.

The girl walks back over with her phone. But she stops before she reaches us "ty..ty.ty..ty" she stutters. "Tyler?" I help her. "TYLER OAKLEY!!" She screams. Tyler laughs and walks up and hugs her. "I can not believe you are all in my shop oh my god!" She says excitedly.

She goes around and hugs us all. And then she reaches Spencer. "Oh hi. Im not sure who you are..." She says embarrassed. "Oh haha it's okay I'm like there best friend" we all laugh at spence. "Oh well hi. It must be amazing to have such amazing friends!!" She says as she hugs spence. "It is!" He says smiling at all of us. "Can we take a selfie.?" She asks. "Of course gurl!" Kirstie says. The girl holds up her phone and we all get in the camera. We all smile and she takes a picture. "Wait I want one too!" Mitch says. "Same here" Kirstie and Avi say. Once we all get photos we get back to paying for our new clothes.

Once we have paid we thank that sweet girl for a great time "It was amazing meeting y'all" she says. "You two..." I say but I realise I didn't even get her name. "Hey wait. What's your name" I ask her before leaving. "Kat!" She says. "Do you have twitter?" Mitch asks her. "Actually I do. It's @PTX_5ever" she tells us. "Aw your a true fan kat!" Mitch says as he grabs out his phone. He searches up her username and follows her. "Oh my god thanks!" She says. "I shall follow you two!" I say and everyone agrees. "We have to keep in touch!" Kirstie tells her.

"Yay thanks so much guys for like making my" she corrects herself. We all say goodbye and walk out of the store.

"Well that was fun" Avi says as we walk towards the food court. "She was actually really pretty!" Kevin says. We all stop and turn to stare at him. Did Kevin actually like her!!


Jumping to conclusions there HAHAHAHA. Anyway the only things that me and kat have in common is our name haha my name is kat. And our twitter HAHAHHA oh and of course massive Ptx and YouTube fans

Okay anyway sorry for not updating as I said I'm going through a lot of stuff but I thought fangirling would help. And I met this guy today who was like obsessed with Tyler and troye and he pushed meh to update so I shall HAHAHAH.

And an old character will be re appearing in the next chapter. Any ideas who!!

Forever Young ~ Scomiche Fanfic (Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now