Welcome Back Lettu!

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The crystal balls started glowing metallic purple. Then, a huge beam of purple light erupted followed by a bunch of mist and smoke.
They heard a loud booming roar. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Mato: "What the heck was that! It's so loud, it feels like my ears are gonna explode!"
Out of the smoke and mist, a crystal dragon appeared.
Dragon: "I am Nornesh, the supreme being that can grant anything you wish for! State your wish."
Khiftum: "Is it possible to resurrect the dead? And are you sure any wish?"
Nornesh: "Do not anger me! Any wish can be granted. Now, state your wish!" Mato: "This is it Khiftum. It's time for our friend to come back! Nornesh, I want my friend Lettu over here and back to life!"
Nornesh: "Very well. Your wish has been granted. Farewell!"
The smoke and mist came back.
There was another huge roar and then everything was completely silent. When the smoke and mist cleared, Lettu was nowhere to be found.
Khiftum: "What! Where's Lettu! Don't tell me we did all that work for nothing!"
Rugu: "No! It should've worked!" Mato: "It can't be! He can't be gone!" Suddenly there was a familiar voice. "Hehehehe.... Sorry to keep you guys waiting."
Mato and Khiftum turned around. It was Lettu!
Mato and Khiftum: "LETTU!!!" They all ran to each other and hugged. Lettu: "Damn, I really missed everyone. And I'm glad to be back. But wasn't I dead. What happened. Wait. How am I even here!"
Mato: "I'll tell you later in the spaceship."
Lettu: "What, what do you mean spaceship?!"

Lettu is finally back! Next chapter on Dragon Ball Hifz! Back To Earth!

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