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Long time ago in a planet named Jaleel, an alien warrior race named jameel's existed. They were very similar to humans and barely have any difference. They were also very powerful.
They all knew how to control ki (energy) which is common in this world.
They had a king named Jameel.
They also currently had a disease spread which was killing the jameel's and they are trying to find an antidote.
Besides that problem, they were all trying to live normal until up in the sky, they saw a bunch of spaceships. Everyone rushed to the king to decide what will happen.
King Jameel: "Do not kill them yet. After they land, question them. If they attack, attack back." So they listened to the king.
Jameel's: "Why are you here, what do you want?"
The People: "We are bount's and our planet got destroyed by an evil person... PLEASE LET US LIVE HERE WE ARE THE LAST SURVIVORS WE DON'T WANT OUR RACE DYING!!!"
The jameel's told them to have a word with the king.
King Jameel: "Who is in charge over here."
The king of the bount's came forward and responded:
"I am. My name is King Bount."
King Jameel: "My people told me that your race wants to live here. Half of our planet is free, take it."
King Jameel: "But how did your planet get destroyed?"
King Bount: "Hmm... That was about more than a year ago. We used to be in another universe."
King Jameel: "Another universe?!"
King Bount: "Yes. I'll get to that soon.
So, we were living peacefully in our planet.
There was a person was ruling 80 percent of the universe we lived in. Just when we thought we were safe... That person came and he said he was gonna conquer this planet. We weren't gonna let him have his way so we all attacked him.
Almost everyone died trying to protect the planet. There were only about 30 survivors. We all rushed out of the planet in our spaceship with 5 years of food supply. Inside of that spaceship, if 1 year passed, 200 years would pass outside of the spaceship."
King Jameel: "We have similar technology like the spaceship."
King Bount: "I see.
So after that, we go on a search to find planets which we could live in. We barely found any planets that we can live in.
5 years have passed inside the spaceships but outside, 1000 years have passed.
We continued to search and search, but it was a fail. Until everything went dark and there were no stars. We didn't know what to do so we just continued. After a really long time, we saw one small star, barely visible.
We went closer and we saw a small sun, a small moon and a very small planet the size of 2 houses.
We thought we couldn't live there due to the very small size of the planet so we were gonna continue but, it was strange for it to be in the middle of nowhere so we decided to land on that planet. When we landed, there was only one person. We asked him what was going on and why are you alone on this small planet in the middle of nowhere.
He replied saying that this is a border between twin universe's and he is the guardian of the border. He also said that the two universe's are very similar and have counterparts. He said if we continue traveling, we'll see the other universe."
King Jameel: "I never knew that there was a twin universe until now!"
King Bount: "We also didn't know too until we met him.
Aight, so where was I...
Ok. So we thanked him and continued our search for a planet to live on.
Everything was still dark as but as we continued,
we saw 1 star, 10 stars, 100 stars, 1000 stars.
We finally knew that we came to the other universe. We searched for a planet to live on. There were a a lot of planets but most were just full of land and had no water, some full of water with no land, and some were just small or would contain gas.
There were some planets we could live on but all of them had people that would just shoo us away and not even let us talk. We could fight back but we weren't hard hearted.
Until we stumbled across a universe that's exactly like ours. We finally decided to land and here we are now."
King Jameel: "I see. That's something interesting to know."
King Bount: "Indeed."
King Jameel: "Wait, if we have so much similarities, we might be counterparts!"
King Bount: "Now that you think about it, yes! We have similar a similar planet and similar technology."
King Jameel: "That is indeed amazing! But we have sad news to tell you.
A disease is killing our race and we need to stop it. It might even spread on to your race."
King Bount: "We might be able to make an antidote. Just show us someone who has the disease. 
We'll examine that person and maybe find a cure."
King Jameel: "You guys are really amazing!"
Through a lot of struggle, the bount's finally make a cure and give it to the jameel's.
King Jameel: "This is why I'm glad I let you people live here!"

They all lived peacefully...
The jameel's lived on one side of the planet and the bount's lived on the other side. Some jameel and bount's would make visits to the other side to greet them.
Also, the jameel's and bount's realized they have very similar powers. They would say powerful ancient words and beams would come out of their mouths, but the bount's had different words and the words were not the same as the jameel's.
This power was told to live forever in ancient times with both races.
They both were also skilled fighters.

20 years have passed...
One day King Bount and King Jameel made a gathering and spoke.
King Bount: "After our planets destruction, our population decreased. I will send someone to an alien planet to spread our sacred and ancient powers and our race too! It shall not die!!!
But for precautions, I'll send my son, the strongest of our race. Use this device to teach them the power. It has some of my blood in it, make sure you don't use a lot. The blood is modified, so you can't do it without it."
King Jameel: "Your right! The disease killed a lot of us too.
I'll send my son also!"
So King Bount and King Jameel sent them.
Norin is the name of King Bounts son and Katsu was the name of King Jameels son.
Katsu is 17 years old while Norin is 18.

200 years have passed...
They both eventually made it to the planet, Earth. It was hard for the early humans to believe them but eventually came to believe them. They started spreading their powers using the device.
Eventually, King Bounts blood finished.
Katsu: "Since the device already has finished, I should put jameel blood for my powers. Can you modify it Norin?"
Norin: "Yeah, there was an instructions set to modify blood along with the device. I think King Bount left it because he probably knew the blood would finish."
Katsu: "Right! Our ancient power must not die!"

800 years have passed...
Meanwhile on planet Jaleel, the two races lived peacefully. Both races got new kings because the previous ones died.
But then, the current king of jameel's died due to homicide.
The bount's came forward to the jameel's.
All Bount's: "Yes. We all did it...
We all planned on killing your king!"
The jameel's couldn't believe them because they would never do something like this.
But then suddenly, one of the bounts came forward and kills 3 jameel's.
The jameel's thoughts changed and knew it was the bounts judging from their behavior. War begun.
Jameels: "Our ancestors shouldn't have trusted them!"
A lot of people from both races died. Meanwhile, during the war but away from the battlefield, there were two families from both races. The mother and father of both families decided to send their son to a humanoid planet (Earth) so their race can still live before it dies.
The son's names are Lettu and Mato.
Lettu is a bount, and Mato is a jameel.

Meanwhile, during the war on the battlefield, a very powerful person comes in the middle of the war and distracts everyone.
Person: "Hmm, Saifullah did his job well... HAHA! Its so funny the way these scumbags think. Hey people, one of my minions killed the king of jameel's.
He basically forced you idiots to wage war."
Jameel's: "So it wasn't the bount's.
But why did they claim that it was them?!"
Bount's: "Because, the person that killed your king was too strong.
He said we had to tell them that the we did it or else...
He would destroy the planet immediately!"
Jameel's: "Why? We could've teamed up on that guy if you told us!"
Bount's: "His energy was far beyond than all of ours combined..."
Both Races: "Why are you doing this?!"
Person: "Because, its fun to watch you idiots thinking so stupidly...
HAHA! And now, I will put you out of you're misery... By killing you all."
Then, he began charging a very huge energy beam.
Both Races: "The beam is as big as the planet! Hey, if you throw that beam, you'll die in the explosion too!"
Hasifufus: "Oh, don't worry about me. My minion will teleport me out of here. Why am I even telling this to all of you scum... DIE!!!"
He then throws the beam it and it goes on to destroy the planet.
Before they all die in the explosion they hear, Person: "I am Hasifufus!!! And I put you scumbags out out of you're misery! HAHAHA!!! REMEMBER THAT!"

Why did Hasifufus destroy the planet? Next chapter on Dragon Ball Hifz! Awakening!

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