Narmaks Reward

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Peace was brought to the Earth. Exhausted, Lettu and Mato rested for a few days. Meanwhile, the students were preparing a grand feast and a party for the heroes of the Earth! There was lots of food, decorations, and festivities. Lettu and Mato came out of their dojo and were surprised to find a basket with chocolates and a strange note. Mato: "Hmm, I wonder what this is... Its a note and it says to go to the mansion on west 42nd street. Guess we'll have to go there to find out. Cmon let's go!" Lettu: "Yeah, lets go!" Mato and Lettu started heading toward the mansion. But on their way, they found another basket. This time, it was filled with lollipops. And in the middle, there was another note. This note said the same thing, to go the mansion.
Lettu: "Why is every note saying to go to the mansion?"
Mato: "I don't maybe they want us to get their faster." Mato and Lettu continued making their way to the mansion. Soon, they made it. But this mansion was dark and abandoned. Mato: "Is this actually the place?"
Lettu: "Maybe, let's go inside to find out."
Mato and Lettu entered the mansion. It was dark and but for some strange reason it smelled like cake. Suddenly the lights turned on and there was some one sitting on a chair. It was Narmak!
Narmak: "Hehehe, you two boys did good! You defeated that guy in the spaceship that came to earth yesterday and saved the whole planet. And I took all of the credit because there was no proof and people thought I was the strongest! I got tons of money! But I kinda felt guilty so, for your reward, I'm giving you 10,000 bucks plus a trip to a resort where I'm holding a big festival! I expect to see
you two there. Now I have important stuff to do, so you two can eat the cake. I'll be going though, so see you at the festival!" Narmak left.
Mato and Lettu: "Okay, so what do we with 10,000 BUCKS!?"
Mato: "Well, we could always spend it on the dojo..." Lettu: "Yeah your right. I think some nice new mattresses would be pretty good... Hehehe Oh and also a fridge and a..." Mato: "NO! Dude, we need the money for our students! We need to fix the dojo. But... we can still get new mattresses."
Lettu: "YES!!"

Mato and Lettu have are looking forward to the festival! Peace is restored, and they claim Hasifufus is gone! Next chapter on Dragon Ball Hifz! Unexpected Evil!

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