Hated Strength!

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Ifran and Amir's tragic past finally revealed! Their true motives to destroy humanity!
Ifran's subconscious: "Ever since me and my brother were kid's, we were always hated. Our parents had very bad drinking habits and would get into fights often. They got divorced and we were left with our very drunk and abusive father. He used to beat us everyday, and never give us food. Then one day, I lost control over my actions. I... really don't know what happened. I just saw him, and for some strange reason, a strange feeling came bubbling inside of me... It was rage.
Rage... I found out what it was later on. However, when I saw my father, my whole mind went blank. Then, when I came back to my senses, my father was dead, with a knife in his head, and there was blood all over my hands. I didn't know what to do. I saw Amir, my little brother, crying in a corner. I told him: "Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what Amir." Amir: "Really?"
Ifran: "Yeah, when we are together, nothing can stop us!" At least that's what I thought. Me and Amir ran away and over the days looked for a place to stay and eat. We had to rob candy stores for food everyday. Everyplace we would stay, the humans would kick us out calling us ugly. Weak. Good for nothing. Then, we came to this dojo. We asked them if we could stay and learn martial arts. They agreed, however... They kicked us out after a month. They said we were talentless and said they only took good students. That day, everything I thought of humans changed. I hated them. I didn't even come in contact with them. Since then me and my little brother stayed in the sewers. We ate food from trash cans on the surface when it dark and no one was around. Life was hard, but I didn't mind.
I was finally being the person I wanted to be.
The human killer.
The villain.
Everyday I used to enjoy murdering people.
I used to torture them and cut their heads off.
It felt good.
That feeling of rage was coming back to me. I was becoming the monster I always wanted to be. For all the suffering the lowly humans caused me and my brother, they will pay! I have risen above all humans. I have become a monster that exterminates mankind! And now, I shall kill every human on this planet. Just try to stop me! MUHAHAHA!"

Ifran and Amir's tragic past revealed! Currently Asad and Duad are going to try to stop them! But how have they gotten strong in such a short time! Find out next chapter on the Dragon Ball Hifz! Rage Of Hatred!

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