Chapter 40

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Liam POV

I was in a well. A freaking well. I was going to kill Garret. I was going to enjoy hearing every bone in his body break and hear him scream.

I punched the wall in my anger and the pain that came from my skin splitting calmed me down.

I took three big deep breathes and counted to 10 just like how that therapist had told me too and it worked.

I looked up. I was a long way down. My whoe body ached, my chest stung. Looking down I noticed a huge cute near my heart. I was bleeding but why wasn't I healing?

This isn't good.

Malia POV

We were in the woods. We'd been in the woods for ages now and still nothing. I was terrible at this!

"This is ridiculous" I growled kicking over a pile of leaves.

" You just need the practise" Derek said reassuringly. "Haven't Scott and Stiles been teaching you?"

"They've been trying to I just can't do it" Derek scoffed and flashed a smile.

"I think it's a reflection on thier teaching not your abilities"

I shrugged.

"No seriously" he continued "they had the bright idea that tying Scotts hands behind his back and monitoring his heart rate while  hitting him with lacrosse ball would help him control his anger". 

Yeah I could picture that. I was about to reply when I caught a scent. A scent I recognized all too well. Gun powder. I started to run and Derek followed. I followed the scent for about ten minutes, the sun had fully set now and then I caught another harsher scent. I ran just a little further and that when I saw it. "Oh my god" .

I heard Derek come to a stop behind me "Satomi's pack".  So many bodies were sprawled out, eyes open wide , claws out and matted in dry blood. It was like something out of a horror movie.

Percy POV

Annabeth would say I'm smothering her. I would say I'm being caring and loving. "Percy I'm fine, you were there when Apollo gave me the all clear" she said as I tried helping her out the car.

"But you're still all bandaged up"

"Yeah cause I haven't had any ambroisa yet, the doctors would think it's wierd"

"Yeah but ..."

"Percy I am fine. I'll be perfect as soon as we're inside and I have some nectar and I can start studying"

This made me freeze "studying?"

"The SATs Percy, theyre next week" she rolled her eyes at me. Yep she was definitely back to normal.

Melissa, Scott and Agent McCall were all there when I opened the door and when Annabeth walked in they pulled strings on party poppers releasing a boring amount of confetti.

" Oh we're so god you're back" Melissa said pulling Annabeth into a hug.  We spent about five minutes of Melissa fussing over us. I noticed Scott seemed off. He kept tapping his fingers and checking the time. "Hey you ok man?" I asked him.

Scott nodded "fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well I gotta go. We're transporting Violet to a federal facility" Agent Mccal said. Good I'm glad she's being sent far far away if it was up to me I don't know what I'd do.

"Wait your moving Violet?" Scott said alarmed. McCall nodded then left.

"Im gonna go get a shower" Ananbeth said once he'd left.

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