Chapter 34

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Scott POV

When I saw Annabeth run after Garret and made sure the rest of my friends where safe I ordered Liam to go and tell Coach his ankle was hurting and to get put on the bench. I saw him talking with coach as I headed to Stiles was just a few feet away from Liam.

"Am I on the list?" I heard Liam asked when I got there.

"No. But somebody else is" Stiles said before tossing his phone back into his bag.

"Lydia cracked it" this was great "who? Who else is on the list?"


"They just took him away! Where did they take him!" I looked around frantically.

"We need to split up" Kira said. She just popped up out of nowhere.

"Good idea, Kira you go with Stiles, Liam you stay here"

"What why do I have to stay here?" Liam started to protest.

"You need to keep coach occupied" I said, trying to make him feel important, I felt like a mother trying to keep their youngest child busy and out of the way.

Liam slumped back in defeat.

"Be careful both of you" I said ebfore running back towards the school.

I'd been looking for about 5 minutes when the ground started to shake.


He was the son of the God of earthquakes. He'd made this happen before.

I smelt blood, this wasn't a good sign. I followed the scent all the way to the boys locker room.

I walked in slowly and carefully. I saw too many bad things. I saw Annabeth slumped up agasint the wall, covered in blood , her blood, I saw Percy at the other side, tied up and gagged and sobbing, I saw Brett still trying to crawl away, his eyes glowed yellow. Werewolf. He was foaming at the mouth, he had a blood trail behind him. He didn't have much time.

Water flooded the floor.

I heard a loud yell from behind me and suddenly something was around my neck. I grabbed at it, I held it in my chest. A wire.

"He said we couldn't do it, said we couldn't risk it. That we shouldn't even try but I've got you, I've got an alpha" it was a girl who said this.

My hand where I held it started to heat up, it was burning me, my flesh was sizzling. I pulled back the wire even further and turned my head to whoever was trying to kill me, my eyes glowing Alpha red.  

I heard her let out a surprised gasp as I grabbed her by the throat. The thermo-cut wire, the wire she'd used to kill Demarco and cut off Carrie's hand dropped to the floor. I slammed her head against the lockers and she collapsed just  as Kira and Stiles skidded to a stop. 

Percy let out loud noises. 

"Oh my good god" Stiles muttered.

I raced over to Percy, I used my claws to cut through his bindings. as soon as his hands were free he pulled out the gag and went straight to Annabeth.

Kira was already there with her, she'd taken off her jersey to press it too Annabeths' wound, now only in a black long-sleeved tshirt. Percy held Annabeth, "I'm sorry. I am so so sorry" he sobbed, "you're going to be ok, I promise you'll be ok, I swear on the River Styx you're going to be ok"

Stiles rushed over to Brett, "he's still alive" he said, his fingers pressed to his throat "but he wont be for long".

"You need to call your dad, and an ambulance and Deaton too2 I told him.

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