Chapter Two - [Aaryan]

Start from the beginning

I guess in the end the size of the temple didn't matter, so long as it served its purpose of bringing ease and support to its people.

When I finally arrived at the square, I leaned against a wall and waited, crossing my arms. Children had already gathered, sitting around and waiting for the girl to show up with her story, but very soon more adults began to join the group.

The I spotted her.

She came with her basket as she always did, it was old and falling apart but it served its purpose of collecting the donations which I assumed she used to help her family. She didn't need to say much to get people's attention since everyone was already ready to hear her talk. After greeting her audience, her eyes met mine for a brief moment.

And she looked away quickly, like she always did.

It made me smirk.

Today, as she spoke, I found myself not listening. My eyes were still on her, but I found myself not hearing her words. Instead, I was simply looking at her.

This girl, Seetha, wasn't very pretty.

I imagined that she may have been if her body was covered in silks and jewelry and other luxurious things. But she didn't have any of that, so she looked plain. Her body was draped in a faded red sari that lacked any form of design. It was old and slightly torn but like her basket, still served its purpose.

She wore no jewelry aside from tiny earrings and she didn't even have any sandals on to protect her feet. Her skin was as tanned as mine was, as was the skin of most people who spent all their time outdoors, and she wore no makeup at all.

Her eyes were dark, black in fact, but her long hair was even blacker. Her hair was beautiful... long and full. It was braided loosely, falling over her shoulder and reaching her waist. And strands of loose hair stuck to her neck and what I could see of her chest because of her sweat.

Her hair made her beautiful.

And now, the more I looked at her, the more I realized she was beautiful.

She was beautiful.

Her hands pressed together as she lowered her head and thanked her audience for listening to her story once again and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

It was over.


She picked up her basket, getting ready to leave, but I chose not to let her. Not yet, at least. So I approached her, and when I reached her, I tossed a silver coin into her basket.

She looked up at me with surprise, and now that I was much closer to her, I was reminded of how large her eyes were. They were large and filled with expression... a very helpful tool for a successful storyteller. "Thank you," she said, lowering her head in respect.

"Let me help you," I said to her, taking her basket from her. It was filled with food a new, freshly dyed sari, looking heavier than usual.

She looked like she was about to protest but when her eyes met mine she stopped, grabbing the loose end of her sari and fidgeting with it. "Thank you," she repeated.

I watched her for a moment before holding back a smile. "Lead the way."

We walked in silence for the most part, and I was surprised by how far away she lived from the heart of the village. Finally however, she spoke up. "I do not know your name."

"Aaryan," I said, simply. My full name was Aaryaraavanan, but I did not feel the need to tell her that.

She nodded. "My name is Seetha."

Now I wondered if that was her full name.

"And that," she continued, "is my home."

Down the hill was a small group of homes, all of which had little plots of farmland.

"I can continue on my own now," she said. "But thank you."

I was slightly disappointed, thinking that I had let silence take over the little time I was given, and as she took the basket from me, I kept my eyes on her. "Or," I started, making her look at me. "We could go down to the river and you can tell me more stories."

Surprise filled her face, her eyes widening for a moment.

But then she smiled.


Hello friends!

I hope you're enjoying this so far! I'm trying to go at this story from a "Prince and his Slave" way with the different perspectives, so I really hope you  enjoy!!

Please let me know what you think in the comment!! =D And don't forget to vote! <3



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