Chapter 16

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+Chapter 16+

_Arielle's Pov_

I was surrounded by darkness. Cold and lonely darkness, then with a sudden jolt I felt like I was falling. How and Where? - I wasn’t sure, but I knew wherever I was falling to was better then where I was now. It felt like I had landed hard on my back and my eyes shot open. I leaped from the current laying position I was in, and stood up straight.

My mind and eyes were spinning and I tried to regain my balance. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes in as I tried to calm down my nerves. I heard a groan and I slowly opened my eyes again. I looked to be in what seemed to be some sort of tree house. I studied the walls that were made of miss-matched and unevenly laid wood. There was an old and beaten door, two windows, and a cabinet that looked to be filled with food and water.

I hesitantly turned around to where I heard the groan. My eyes widened as I took in the guy sitting up on a sheet of blankets. His honey blonde hair was all tossed around his head and his chocolate eyes was staring back at me with anxiety and relief. His lips were curled into a slight smile as he opened them to speak.

I cut him off though by holding my hand up. “Who are you and why did I wake up next to you in…” I glanced around the place again, “a tree house?”

His eyes opened wide with shock as he got up from the ground and started walking towards me. Each step he took towards me, I took one back. His eyebrows furrowed and his bottom lip trembled a little bit. “D-do you not knoww who I am-m?” He stuttered.

His voice sent chills down my spine and it made me want to smile. My wolf was howling with satisfaction, while I was freaking out about waking up next to some random guy. I didn’t even have a clue where I was at!

I studied him once more and my eyes lit up with recognition. He smiled wider at me when he saw that I recognized him. “You’re Dominic Westwood. Right?” I asked.

His smile dropped a little, “And?” He questioned.

“And soon-to-be Alpha.” I replied back a little confused at what he was getting at. “Oh no!” I yelled. “You… Me…I…We didn’t you know do it, right?!”

A confused expression crossed his face, but then his eyes widened even more. “No no no no no!” He shook his head vigorously. “I would never take advantage of you!” He said looking a little disgusted.

“Okay.” I said slowly. “Well then what am I doing here with you?”

“So you don’t remember?” He asked sounding disappointed and scared. “Anything?”

“What exactly are we talking about here?” I asked him getting more and more confused at the second.

“Uh- well.” He rubbed the back of his neck and messed up his hair even more. It took all my will power not to run over to him and smooth down his soft hair. He smiled uneasily. “You know, you don’t remember us?”

I looked at him like he was crazy. “Dominic, I’m sorry to say, but there was never any us. I don’t even know you. I think I would remember being with you.” I let my eyes travel up and down his body. Yeah, I would definitely remember every single detail about this boy if I was ever with him.

He shuffled his feet nervously. “Think back to, I don’t know, the last week.”

I tried to remember last week, but it was like it didn’t even exist. I knew it was there, and something happened, but it was clouded. I felt sick and tired trying to think about it. “How don’t I remember anything? I remember everything. I don’t forget stuff- I can’t forget stuff.” I said yelling at myself.

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