Chapter 10

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+Chapter 10+

_Arielle's Pov_

I sucked in deep breath before Chloe and I entered the party. It was being held in the 'teenager' pack house. It was a few streets down from the real pack house and not nearly as huge. This house was just a big rec room with several rooms for teenage wolves that have no family, just want to get away from their family for a while or for young mated couples.

"Nervous?" Chloe asked me while elbowing my arm.

"No." I replied with a shaky smile. And with that we entered the building. It was vibrating with music and voices.

There were so many people here, humans and werewolves. It looked like most of them were already drunk of their asses. I sighed, I really hate parties. They always make me annoyed and I end up with a huge headache in the morning even if I didn't have any alcohol.

Parker found us almost immediately. "Hey Babe!" He brought me in to a quick kiss. "Hi Chlo."

Chloe gave me a serious look and then went back to her usual giddy behavior. "Hi Park. Now if you lovers will excuse me, I see a group of men over there. Maybe one of them will be my mate." She skipped off in the direction of some guys.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure going to be sorry for whoever Chloe's mate is. He sure has his work cut out for him."

Parker laughed and then got serious, "So I want you to meet someone."

I was confused. Who would he want me to meet? I know almost all his friends. Maybe he found his mate, but he did just kiss me. So...

Parker busted up laughing now. "Wow Arielle calm down, you look so scared. I just want you to meet my cousin, gosh."

I sighed, I don't really know what I would do if Parker found his mate at the moment.........WAIT.........

Did he just say cousin? Isn't-

My thoughts were cut of by Parker saying, "Hey Dom! I want you to meet my girlfriend. I know you said you didn't want to, but I think you guys would really hit it off."

I groaned and gave Parker a death glare. "You know I'm not a very friendly person. I hate meeting new people."

"Oh come on Elle, he is my cousin and future Alpha. You can be friendly for him, can't you?" Parker insisted.

Dominic turned around slowly and looked at Parker. He didn't look very good. He seemed...Different? It was like he was crazy- and not the good, silly crazy. It was like the twitchy, angry crazy.

Seeing him look like this made me shudder with discomfort. All I wanted to do was hold him and make him feel better.

"Dominic, Arielle. Arielle, Dominic." Parker said coolly.

"Hi Dominic." I mumbled looking down at my feet.

Dominic gave me a grunt in return and chugged down a beer finishing it off. Yep, he definitely had a twitchy look in his face.

I wanted to be anywhere but here at the moment. I couldn't stand seeing Dominic look so lost. "Uh Parker I'm kind of thirsty. I'm gonna go get something to drink." I tried walking away but Parker grabbed my arm.

"Let me grab you something to drink. You guys can get to know each other while I'm gone." He grinned and kissed me on the lips.

I heard Dominic growl and then say coldly, "Why would I want to get to know her? It's not like she's your mate."

"So what if she's not my mate? Show some respect Dominic." Parker growled back and with that he headed off to get some drinks.

There was an awkward silence and then I asked, "So uh Nic- I mean Dominic, how are you?"

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