Chapter 2 Part 2

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Well I Have a chemistry lab write up due but I'm not very motivated to do it and well, chemistry is boring. So instead of being bored I have decided to write the next chapter thingy. Hopefully this will get me in the mood to do my homework some time tonight. Also, Who's excited for THhe Hunger Games!!! I know I can't wait, gonna go to the midnight premiere!!:)

Anyways.... Here you go, hope all the ten people reading it like it!! It's really nothing new, just in Dominic's perspective. I promise after this chapter the story will start moving faster! :)


Oh and that's Jake on the side>>>>>>>>>


Chapter 2 Part 2

_Dominic's Pov_

I couldn't help but smile this morning when strolling into the school. I was determined to find this girl and make her mine. She will be mine, soon. Just thinking about that made my grin grow even bigger. It was driving my wolf and I absolutely crazy just thinking about her. Her, she, mine, my mate, that girl. I didn't even know this girl's name and I'm already head over heals for her.

I leaned against my locker just imagining what it would be like to finally have her. To make her mine. I just want to hold her, feel her touch, kiss her lips and...

"Dominic? Earth to Dominic, I'm talking to you!" Someone started knocking on my head, "Anybody home in there?"

Slowly I took hold of my bearings and began my way back to reality. "What to you want Jake?" I snapped.

"Someone's touchy, gosh all I wanted to know is if you're ready to party Friday!?" He said getting really excited. "All I'm gonna do senior year is parties and girls. Maybe some school work here and there but not a lot."

I swear there was a decent guy down inside in him somewhere. Underneath all his man whore-ness there was a down to earth guy. Problem is down to earth Jake very rarely makes an appearance. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Jake's mate. She was going to have her hands full with him and all his, well Jake-ness.

Still sort of dazed, I replied half heartedly, "Oh yeah man, Can't wait. This will be the biggest party of the year."

"You gonna bring anyone or are you planin' on hooking up there?" He asked eagerly.

I was planning on just hooking up there, but no that I found her I couldn't even see myself looking at another girl but her. Maybe I could get her to come to the party with me, I thought. "Um, I haven't decided yet. Besides it's only Wednesday, It's too early to think about that stuff."

He nodded. "Uh-huh well I'm planning on bringing a girl." And before I could ask who he stated, "And I'm gonna hook up with some girls at the party too. Hah thought I was going soft, didn't you?"

"Hey Jake, I just wanted you to know that you are the most disgusting and perverted bastard I know." I told him patting his back.

"Aw thanks, that means so much to me!" He said after whistling at a girl walking by us.

Some more of our friends, humans and werewolves, came up to us and began to talk to Jake about Friday. Meanwhile, I scanned the hallway in hopes to find her. I was just about to give up when I saw her all the way down the hall. I could see her talking to her friends. Other than that I couldn't make out anything else. The only reason I knew it was her, is because her hair was in a ponytail, but just not as messy as yesterdays. Also, she was pretty dang tall for a girl, so it was easy to make out her figure. I still didn't know what she really looked like.

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