Chapter 15

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+Chapter 15+

_Dominic's Pov_

I opened my mouth to speak or scream or just yell, but nothing came out. I was just too confused at the moment to do anything, my wolf and mind were going in to hyper-drive and I couldn’t function.

“Oh don’t look to shocked Dominic. What kind of name is Dominic anyways? I would have named you something fierce and tough like Blade or maybe Zeke.”

“Are you fucking crazy?!” I yelled finally finding my voice. “There is no way in Hell that you are my father! My father is Alpha of this pack, my pack, the Golden Moon pack!”

He just laughed. “Come on, Dom! You know I’m telling the truth, just ask your wolf. Plus I know you’ve always felt like you never belonged here, like you were meant to belong to another pack. Lead another pack.”

“Well so what if you’re my biological father, that doesn’t mean anything! Besides I know we aren’t related because we look nothing alike!” The last part was a big fat lie. We really looked like father and son, but I couldn’t admit that to myself.

“I being your real father means everything in the wolf world! When your time comes to be Alpha, you won’t be able to lead your pathetic ‘Golden Moon pack’, you have to have the previous alpha’s blood in you. You will only be able to lead and rule over my pack.” He sighed obviously getting irritated at my attitude. “Just mention my name to you mother and see what she does. I dare you.”

“Oh whatever! Like my mom would ever have a child with you, let alone be seen in the same room as you!” I sneered.

His face quickly turned red and he began trembling uncontrollably. “Your mother once loved me! We were going to get married and have a family together! But then your stupid Alpha Westwood showed up one day and it turned out they were mates, then they ran off together! She didn’t even tell me about you, I had to find out on my own. Do you know how that made me feel? I was already crushed after she left me, but then she didn’t even tell me she was carrying MY child!”

He was shaking really bad now. I could even see fur start to burst through his skin and his ears started to get pointy. I couldn’t help but feel a little bad for this guy, my father. “Your mother is a fucking whore!” he roared.

But with that comment I felt all remorse towards him leave. You do not insult my mother, under any circumstance. “Watch what you say!” I yelled back. My own wolf wanted free so he could tear of his face, but I had to control him. I couldn’t fight him this close to Arielle with her being unconscious, she could get hurt.

“You should go.” I told him using my Alpha tone, but I knew it wouldn’t work that well on him. “NOW!”

“I was about to leave anyways.” He shot back. One moment he was there and then in the time it took me to blink, he was gone. I couldn’t even smell his scent when he left. I didn’t think about it to much, because I had bigger problems at the moment.

I spun around quickly and kneeled down next to Arielle. Once I saw her lying so cold and lifeless on the ground, everything that had just happened with Alpha Blake Wolfe vanished from my head. All I could think about was helping her.

I slowly picked up her freezing body and pressed her close to me. I needed to bring her somewhere, but where? I couldn’t bring to the Pack House, too many questions would be asked. And I couldn’t bring her to her house, what would her parents think, besides I don’t even know where she lives.

The only place I could bring her was to my tree house. I had made it a few years back whenever I wanted to get away from all the stress of being Alpha-to-be. I still go there sometimes to just think. It was in a nice secretive place too in the middle of our thick forest. It wasn’t luxurious or anything, but I had decked it out with a door, windows, magazines, pillows and blankets. Heck I even had some soup cans and water bottles stored up in it.

I climbed up the tree, which is incredibly hard when carrying an unconscious body, and placed Arielle carefully on a pile of blankets. She was still freezing cold and the steady rise and fall of her chest became much more shallow and uneven. I wrapped her up in a blanket and laid down next to her on the floor.

I snuggled up close and held her in my arms. I trailed my fingers down her face and played with her hair some. I was scared at how when I touched her now there was barely even a spark at all. I could almost feel her start to disappear away from me.

I leaned on my arm so I could look directly down on to her face. I softly kissed her cold, pale forehead, and then I started placing kisses down her jaw. I had kissed everywhere on her face but her lips. Each kiss that I placed on her skin was a complete dud and I was afraid kissing her lips would be the same.

I ran my knuckles of her soft lips and sighed. Didn’t my sister always watch some movie where a princess had fallen asleep forever and the only way to break the curse was for her prince charming to kiss her on the lips. Maybe I could be Arielle’s prince charming? But what if I’m not? That part scared me more than anything else.

I brought my face just centimeters away from her face and whispered, “Arielle, I don’t even know how this is possible, but I love you more then anything. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have you. And I swear I didn’t mean anything I said back in the woods. I forgive you, so can you please forgive me too and just wake up? I want to make things right between us.”

After I had finished talking, I studied her face. Nothing. She didn’t even twitch slightly when my bangs were touching her closed eyelids. I shut my eyes tightly and barely grazed my lips on hers. Even though our lips had barely even touched, it felt like they were on fire. Her eyes fluttered a little, but nothing more than that.

I fell back next to her and laid my arm protectively over her. I pressed my head right up into the curve of her neck and inhaled her sweet smell. At least I could still smell her delicious aroma. “I love you Arielle.” I said so quietly that I even had a hard time hearing it.

I thought I heard her say it back to me, but I figured it was just my mind playing a trick on me. None-the-less, I fell asleep with a smile on my face listening to Arielle’s heart beat.


I'm sooooo sorry that it's kind of short, I just want to make sure that I'm getting everyhthing right so that the story will work out nicely as it progresses along

So I hope you liked this chapter:)

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