Chapter 1 Part 1

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Hi! So this is my first werewolf story and I'm pretty excited.  I started reading werewolf stories on Wattpad and I instantly loved them! Each of them are so similar but then they all have a slightly different thing in the plot. I just love them sooo much! I'm obsessed.

Any who this is my story and I hope you guys enjoy it because I'm so excited for it! Please don't hesitate to comment if I made a mistake somewhere or if it just doesn't make sense.

Sorry but this chapter is a little boring but it's setting the whole story up and getting the ball rolling. *Thanks for reading my story:)* Enjoy!!

>There will be quite a bit of profanity throughout the story so if that upsets you, then you Probably wouldn't want you to read it. Sorry<

BTW That pic on the side is Arielle >>>>>>>>>>>>


+Chapter 1 Part 1+

_Arielle's Pov_

Commitment. I hated being committed to things. It's not that I'm lazy; it's just that when I think of commitment I think of being forced to do things. I hate being forced to do things. I would much rather do things under my own free will. I am only committed to three things in my life though; my family, acting, and getting my medical degree. That's right I want to be a doctor. I want to help people, I don't like feeling useless and people are always going to get sick, so it's a pretty stable job. The only problem is that I'm a Werewolf. Wolfs don't usually become doctors or anything in that matter. We like to stay close to our family and close to our kind. I guess you can say that I'm like the black sheep (or werewolf in my case ;) of the family. I want to travel and explore the world. I want to be my own person, however it looks like fate wants me to be anything but my own person.

The last thing in the world I wanted to do is find my mate. I hated the ideas of having mates. I know once I find my mate I would have to commit everything to him. In all honestly, I found it repulsive how wolfs have to depend on another wolf to survive. 'I don't feel complete when I'm not near them' is what every god damn mated couple say. Seriously I just want to gag when I hear this. I guess eventually I might want a mate, but not now. Definitely not right now. I don't want to be chained down to one spot forever and be forced to bear this man's pups.

Of course when there is something you would do anything not to have, fate always and I mean ALWAYS finds a way to screw you over. Today was the day fate screwed me over BIG TIME.


I sighed very heavily and very dramatically. Okay, so maybe I was a little bit of a Drama Queen but who isn't?

I leaned farther into the cushy auditorium chairs. Today was tryouts for Romeo for none other than the play Romeo and Juliet. Juliet tryouts were yesterday, and if I do say so myself I was pretty damn good. Even though I hate Romeo and Juliet. I love acting and it's the only play the school is working on right now. I basically hate it for the whole ‘star struck lovers’ thing. And the ending just pisses me off. Did they seriously have to kill themselves because they couldn't survive without one another?

I know I'm a bitter and cold hearted person especially since I'm only 17. Just wait until I'm a crazy old lady throwing stuff at people when they walk past my house. Man I bet anybody would want a girl like me, not. I'm pretty sure I give guys the creeps, but i really couldn't care less.

I tried to remain focus on listening to the boy’s tryout, but to put it bluntly, they were all completely horrible and kept stumbling over their words. It was driving me crazy. I guess I should give them some credit though. I have an identic memory, which allows me to basically remember everything I see or read or hear etc. All I have to do is read a script once and if know all the lines. While it does have perks like never having to study things for tests, I wish I didn't have an identic memory. My brain always feels too crammed and clustered with information; also there are a couple things I wish I could rather not remember. For example my first break up when I was 11 or walking in on my parents when they were well, yeah or I wish I could just forget what the math homework was for once in my life so i could ask the cute guy who sits behind me what it was.

Surprisingly though, I had an attention span of a toddler with a sugar high and I was oblivious to just about everything. This makes me feel a little bit normal but there was still the fact I was a werewolf. I loved being a werewolf though and we did have a huge pack so it wasn't like there were more humans than werewolves in our region. It was actually pretty evened out.

I sighed even louder this time and rested my head on the back of my chair so I could look up at the auditorium's high ceilings. When will this end? There were a lot more guys trying out for Romeo then I had previously thought. Just then the director, Mr. Radleer, yelled, "Okay, our final Romeo of the day is Dominic Westwood." A couple 'Woots' were given off in the crowd.

I couldn't help but release a long, "Yessssssssssssss. Finally the torture is over."

I paused, wait.. Dominic Westwood? Westwood? Like in the son of George Westwood who is the Alpha of our pack? This can't be right, why the hell would a future Alpha be auditioning for a damn sappy love story? I bet it's to get chicks. What girl wouldn't want to date a guy who who's playing Romeo, right?

I didn't know Dominic that well, but I assumed he would be horrible. Him being future Alpha and all, he didn't really seem like the type of guy who would be auditioning for a Shakespeare play. I thought he would prefer something more along the lines of soccer or Baseball or Football. I don't think I even know what this boy looks like; we do have an exceptionally large pack and school but we were in the same grade. I found it a little ridiculous how I have no idea what the man who will one day rule over me looks like.

I couldn't help but think about how bad he is going to suck. There is no chance in hell he could be good acting. From what I know he is nice and calm but him and his future beta constantly getting into trouble whenever they go to parties and get drunk. I couldn't help but get a huge grin on my face and whisper oh so softly,”This guy is going to be so damn awful."  I liked watching people who thought acting was easy completely fail. Again, I know I'm a horrible and bitter person but it's just so funny.

I leaned forward in my seat now and gave Dominic all my attention. I couldn't help put get all giddy inside just waiting for him to stutter over his first line.

He ran is fingers through his honey hair. His eyes were roaming the audience looking scared shitless. When he bit his bottom lip I couldn't help but think how insanely hot he is. Why have I never bothered to know what he looked like before? Man I was sure missing out all these years. He drew in a big breath and I could feel the intensity of my gaze get more focused on him.

He opened his mouth and started reciting some Romeo lines, but I wasn't listening to the words. I was more focused on how amazing and masculine his voice sounded. It was drawing me towards him and my wolf was telling me how much I wanted to run my fingers through his hair. It looked so soft. His face looked so serious but emotional at the same time. His eyes were the most amazing things in the world. They were this deep, dark chocolate color. I could stare into them forever. I shivered in enjoyment and my wolf whined inside of me. She wanted him. I wanted him.

Right then is when the realization hit me like a door to the face. I couldn't help but yell, "Oh FUCK!" I stood straight up from my seat and everyone in the building turned towards me. However, I didn't really care about all the horror struck glances people were giving me. Not only did I interrupt someone's audition, but I interrupted our Future Alpha's audition. It didn't matter though; all I wanted to do is get the hell out of there and fast.

I quickly climbed seat after seat to reach the main hallway in the auditorium. Trying to appease people I calmly said, "Oh, sorry about that everybody. I just remembered I left my car running." I was never good at excuses. I was the worst liar in the world- I don't even own a car! Focusing on escaping, I practically ran to the exit door. "See you all tomorrow!" I said sweetly hopping some people might forgive me for my sudden out burst. I don't think it worked.

When I finally got outside, the cool air helped me relax. I kept denying that Dominic was the guy, my mate. He couldn't be, he just couldn't be. It made no sense what-so-ever. My wolf was mad at me for leaving so quickly and no going back to him. The hell with my wolf though. She doesn't understand that I don't want my mate at the moment.

I couldn't sleep at all. I just kept replaying the memory of Dominic performing. I wish I was listening to what lines he was speaking. But I wasn't because I was too entranced by him being my mother flippin' soul mate! I am sooo dreading tomorrow, hopefully I won't see him.


Any thoughts?

Dominic's Prov is up next!! :)

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