Chapter 6

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Okay so I was seriously almost done with this chapter when my computer exited out of Wattpad. FML!! >:[

The first chapter I wrote was better and it took me forever to write!!!! :(

but anyways you get to see the real sweet side of Dominic :D,

soooo anyways, (Sorry it's short!!)

here it is:


+Chapter 6+

_Dominic's Pov_

I had so many different emotions running through me at the moment. I did my best to remain calm and cool. It was hard though, I knew at any moment I could snap. 

Who the hell did this guy think he was when he hurt Arielle? She has got to be the sweetest, kindest person I know. Even if she wasn't my mate I would think that. I promised Arielle I wouldn't hurt this guy, but that doesn't mean I can't order Jake to kick his ass.

This guy definitely messed with the wrong girl. Yeah, yeah i know it happened two years ago, but he hurt her at some point in his life and now he is going to pay.

Arielle took a deep breath and I stopped my thoughts to focus all my attention on her. She looked extremely pale and sick. I almost told her she didn't have to tell me, but then she began to speak.

"Now Nic, I want you to remember that I thought this guy was my mate."

Those words stung. I couldn't understand how she thought anybody else but me could have been her mate. I knew my voice would crack if I spoke, so I just nodded in response.

"So that night at the party...” She trailed off and her eyes got all glassy.

"Arielle, are you okay?" I asked nervously.

She shook her head to get out the trance she was in.  "We decided to do it. By do it I mean have... ummm... sex." She whispered. "We both wanted to. We thought we were mates..." She peaked at my face very cautiously to see how I would react to this news.

Bastard. I was pretty pissed off. This guy had big enough balls to have sex with my mate. My Mate. And then dump her the next day. He is going through Hell for this. This guy was heartless. I've had my fair share of breaking girls’ hearts but I’m not even that heartless. At least I don't think I am...

A steady stream of tears began running down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Dominic!" She wrapped her arms around my chest holding me tightly. My whole body stiffened when she touched me. It felt so good to hold her. Actually, no, it felt so perfect to hold her. I kept shivering with the waves of delight that vibrated my whole body. I let out a deep, contempt growl.

I couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way when we touched. Did it feel this good for her too? If it did, then why doesn't she want me...? How could she not be addicted to our touch? If just barely touching her made me feel this good, then what would it feel like to kiss her? To touch her pink lips...

My thoughts were interrupted by her voice. It sounded so hurt and afraid. "I'm so sorry!" She said into my chest. "I should have waited until I was 100% sure he was my mate. I was just so stupid and naive! Please don't be mad at me, but if you are, I understand."

She thought I was mad at her? For not being a virgin? Hah I haven't been one since the summer of eighth grade. I couldn't be mad at her for waiting, because I sure as didn't. I would be a hypocrite if I did and nobody likes a hypocrite. I want Arielle to like me so I can't be mad at her. Now that I think about it, I wish i did wait. For Arielle. I'm sure it would have been worth it. Stupid young, horny Dominic.

 I lifted Arielle's chin so I could see her sweet face. Her eyes were all red from the crying and it made her blue eyes look even bluer- if that were even possible. "Honey, I don't care about that." I  whispered softly to her.

She gave me a shaky smile, but it didn't look like she fully believed me. "Besides," I added, "people have needs, they can't help it. But we being werewolves our needs are doubled. And me being the Alpha, well my needs are like quadrupled." I said in my best seductive voice- which I have to admit is pretty dang seductive.

I winked down at her and she slapped my chest playfully, "You are such a perv Nic."  She gave me a big grin and even giggled a little.

I shrugged, pretending to look a little hurt. "Me, a perv? I am no where as bad as Jake. Man that guy goes through girls like a sugar deprived child goes through skittles." I started laughing at how Jake has a new girl every week, sometimes less. All though there was that one girl...

Arielle burst out in tears again and started crying really hard now. She squeezed me tightly and I thought I could've burst. My shirt was getting drenched with her tears, but I didn't really care. This was the closest I've ever been to her and I really liked it. As creepy as this may sound, I am never washing this shirt. Her smell will be all over it for a long time and her aroma is seriously my crack. I just can’t get enough of her sweet cotton candy smell.

"Come on Arielle, I could never be mad at you. Please just tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you like this sweetie."

I really didn't know what to do. To be honest I always got freaked out when girls had meltdowns in front of me. So, I decided to do what I did to my little sister when her pet hamster died. I cuddled her up to my chest, stroked her soft, brown hair, and whispered for her to calm down.

She muttered something into my chest. I froze and my back got rigid.

Thinking I heard her wrong I asked, "What did you just say?"

She pulled her face from my chest and looked me straight in the eyes. "It was Jake." She shook her head and repeated, "It was Jake."

It was Jake...



Jake as in my best friend, as in my Beta, as in the bastard who hurt Arielle.

No Jake wasn't the bastard. I was.

This is all my fault.

I screwed up big time. Why do I have to mess up everything good in my life? There is no way Arielle would want to be with me now.

I began to shake with fury as my wolf wanted to get loose. I had to control him though. I needed to control him. This wasn't Arielle's fault and it wasn't Jake's fault either.

The only person to blame here is me. I really truly am a horrrible person. I don't deserve anyone to make me happy. I should just go die in a hole. It's not like anybody would miss me.

Arielle looked up at me with her big blue eyes. She looked scared and nervous and hopless.

Karma can be a real bitch sometimes...


So it's all Dom-Dom's fault Arielle has issues with guys and commitment? Dun DUn DUn DUNNN!! What did he doo????

teheheheheh:) the next chapter will be up like real soon, because it Will be very short. I just wanted to get in Arielle's point of view about all this emotional stuff goin on

<3 ali*

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