Chapter 9

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You get to meet Chloe! Arielle's best friend! yaaaaaaayyyyyyy

 And I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Don’t forget to comment here and there:)!!


+Chapter 9+

_Arielle's Pov_

It was Friday afternoon right after school. People were still hanging around talking to their friends about the party tonight. I hadn't seen Dominic at all the last two days. And I actually looked for him too! He wouldn't just run away would he? I thought of going to the Alpha House and ask maybe his mom or sister where he was, but that would be weird. Some strange girl they've never seen asking where Dominic is, yeah creepy and awkward.

I knew Jake was at school. He's in my Math class and he seemed fine. It didn't look like him and Dominic had a fight or anything. I couldn't gather enough strength to ask Jake where he was. I haven't spoken to him, since, well yeah. And again it would just be way to awkward for me to ask.

I sighed, my chest was burning and I didn't feel good. My wolf just wanted to see him and intake his scent and run my finger through his hair. Touching him Wednesday afternoon was a big mistake. It just made my longing to be with him increase. I couldn't be with him though.  If he wasn't soon-to-be Alpha then things might have been different.

"So you are coming over to my house to get ready for the party, Right El?" Someone asked kicking my shin.

"Uhhh..." I stuttered as I was being brought back from my little daze.

"You said you would!" She whined at me. "I'll come over to your house if you want and we could get ready there!" She gave me a hopeful look.

"Oh yeah sure Chloe I can go over to your house. And Danny is spending the night at his friend's house so I don't have to watch him." I told her reassuringly.

"Good because I thought you were about to bail on me. Remember what happened to the last person who bailed on me?" She got an evil grin on her face.

Chloe was one of those people who were as sweet as sugar, but had a wicked side/ sense of humor. And since we are best friends, she thought it was funny to pull pranks on me all the time. She knew I couldn't stay mad at her, because we've been through everything together. I know everything about her and she knows everything about me. Well she knows about everything but Dominic. I was planning on telling her, just later, maybe tonight.

"Hmm it was your ex-boyfriend, wasn't it? He bailed and you slashed the tires of his new car. Right?" She definitely as some anger issue problems.

"Correct-o! Now you can come over anytime before five and be prepared to be beautified!" She squealed and ran of to her car. Before she got in though, she yelled, "I love you Arielle Harven, more than Parker does!"

I laughed and waved bye to her. She was always doing stuff like that, and it was still embarrassing none the less. "She's wack." Someone said from behind me, causing me to jump. "I love you more."

I turned around and smiled. "Stop scaring me Parker!"

"Sorry for being such a scary person." He replied. Then suddenly, he grabbed my waist and pulled me up close next to him.  He leaned down a gave me a sweet, short kiss on the lips. Let’s just say my wolf wasn't all that happy about that. She never did like Parker,  but eh, he made me happy. And he loved me, for me, not because his wolf told him to love me. Unlike some people...

We started walking over to his car. "You're about as scary as a puppy." I told him grinning.

"Hah good, I was getting worried there for a second." He gave me an adorable smile and then asked, "So do you wanna ride home?"

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