Chapter 9: Casual Elevator Music

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"I have a question."
"What do you want?"
"Oh, just a little question for you to answer."

Hero growled, thinking it wasn't a good question.

"Dude, chill out." Notch warned him, then turned to face the Tiedan. "What's your question?"

"I was just wondering," Douglas replied and pulled out a bag, "what this was."

"It's a bag, duh." Steve said with very obvious sarcasm.
"No kidding. But, you can put things in bags, and there might be something in this bag."
"A cat?"
"No, I let the cat out of the bag."
"Oh." Steve dropped his head, playing along. "I totally wanted to see the catto."
"Oh wait that was an idiom. I'm an idiot."

Herobrine quietly mhmed. "So uh, what's in the bag?"
"Not a cat."
"You said that..."
"Whatever. I was just wondering what this stuff is. I think it might be currency but there's no imprints or anything on them."
"Lemme see."

Douglas reached into the bag, and pulled out a cat. "Oh wait, that was my party trick. Oops," he said, chuckling at himself. No one laughed with him. He put the cat down and it scampered off.

"You guys are no fun," he whined.
"Becuz we r in a cage." Steve replied, acting like a teenager. Well, trying to.

"Anyways, here. I think they might be Endercoins, but they don't really seem like Endercoins." Douglas didn't produce a cat this time, but instead picked up purple circley things. He crouched and gave Hero one of them.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Hero thought for a long time without breathing.

"Uh, you okay there?" Notch asked.
"Yeah, are you? You're starting to creep me out." Steve added.
"Isn't that his job?"
"I thought his job was being a father. He's failing that, though."
"That just pushed it too far. At least he knows where his daughter is, unlike some people."
"Yeah, I guess. Including me," Notch sighed. "But also you, too."

Hero inhaled.

"Oh, you're alive." Steve said. "That sucks."
"My subconscious is talking to me. Hush." Hero replied.

A moment later, Hero finally said something that didn't sound like he was constipated. "It has the qualities of iron, but it's also something else that my subconscious doesn't know. Something dark."
"Cool." Steve didn't hear the last part.

"Well you were a loooot of help. Thanks guys," Douglas said with a slight hint of sarcasm. Hero smirked.

"Do you have any other games?" Steve suddenly asked.
"Like what?" Douglas replied.
"Uhhhh, not, Uno games?"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Dunno."

Douglas stood up from crouching and put the purple Whatchamacallits back in the bag.

"Now the cat's in the bag." Steve said.
"Oh, shutup." Notch replied bitterly.

"Whatever, Imma just go now." Douglas said and turned to leave. His guard followed him until he noticed the bulky Enderman. He shooed him off and the guard just shrugged and went down another hallway.

"Ugh I really hate that guy." Hero muttered.


The dots didn't move.

"Uh," Seto muttered and knocked again. And again, and again, and you should probably get the idea by now.

"Um, maybe they're asleep? Or dead?" Kat asked.
"Doubt they'd be dead. If the dot is blue it means they're alive. If it's dark green they're sick or dead."
"And they're blue?"
"Yep. All of them are blue."
"Ok good."

"Hmm." Seto thought for a couple of seconds. "Oh." He realized, and summoned purple wisps in his hands. He touched the door, and the sounds of mechanics started creaking.

A click went off, and a light turned green. Seto turned the handle and pushed the now unlocked door. It was dark in the room, and the only light source in there was a little light from the blinded window and a glow from behind a wall.

Seto peeked his head inside, and saw what he didn't expect. Adam and Allison were sleeping together on a bed.

"Aw that's kinda cute." Seto said, "I ship them. They're a thing now."

Kat saw the two, lightly punched her dad, and said, "Hey!"

"Well, they're sleeping. We shouldn't wake them up." Seto said.
"Then what now?" Kat asked.
"I'm assuming the other three blue dots are Notch, Herobrine, and Steve. We should go find them."

Kat thought for a moment, then said,"well, I didn't bring any food, and I'm starting to get a little hungry."

"I am too. Y'know what, change of plans. Let's go find somewhere to eat, then we can find the others." Seto replied.

"Good plan." Kat closed the door gently.

Seto scribbled something on the paper map. When he finished writing and moved his hand away, he wrote two words.

"Room 103," Kat repeated what he wrote down and looked at the door. "Oh, that's their room. Gotcha."

"Yep. Probably a good idea to write that down."

They walked back to the lobby.

"Did you get to see who you were looking for?" The receptionist asked.
"They were sleeping, so we didn't want to wake them." Seto replied.
"Gotcha. You are welcome to come back any time to visit."
"Thank you."

They walked out of the hospital, and into the street. Woo, more Endermen. Everywhere.

"Ah, let's look for somewhere to eat." Seto said to himself, looking around.

Kat pointed at a small building. "There?" She asked. It looked like a small cafe, and a few Enderman were eating at separate tables inside.

"Let's check it out," he replied. They walked across the street, trying not to get ran over by hoards of Endermen. Seto made it to the other side, unfortunately knocking a bicycling Enderman off its ride by accident in the process. "Oops."

The two walked inside. It was very quiet, except for the casual elevator music in the background and the random mutters of voices. Seto walked up to the front, and Kat followed him.

"Hello," Seto said.
"Hi! What would you like?" A rosy-cheeked Enderman opened kitchen door and came up behind the counter.
"Hmm, I need a moment to look at the menu."
"Ok, just ring this bell when you're ready!" The Enderman slid a desk bell up in front of him, and walked back to the kitchen.

"What would you like, Kat?" Seto asked, nudging her on the shoulder and smiling.

"Hmm... Let's look..."



There's a chapter 9 for ya

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