"Guests?" She asks.

She sits next to Oh, but she's looking at P'Pha, batting her eyes. Keep going, I'll pull the lashes out one by one, woman.

"The offer is still open Pha." Oh, looks at my boyfriend.

"Thank you, but no." I tell him. "He already has a ... demanding boyfriend."

P'Pha chuckles, as he pulls me back near him. Fine I was going to say boss, but that might have been too much.

"I already have a boss." P'Pha smiles at me.

Oh, looks at us, then at the doctors, before sighing and standing. "It was good to see you Pha, aside from the fighting, we did have some good times."

"Yes, we did." P'Pha tells him.

"I'm back living here again, come see me sometimes." He tells them. "All of you."

He stares at me, I don't understand the look, but he has a strange loneliness in his eyes, like Grandpa.

"Can we... go now?" I ask, quietly.

"Your too rude." The woman snaps. "You need to ask me for leave, show respect."

Just her voice annoyed me, I cross my arms and tap my foot.

"I was talking to him." I point at Oh. "Who are you?"

She is seriously trying to act as the boss's wife, I wonder who she is. Everyone in the room, even the boss looks annoyed at her.

"You can't talk to me like that." She screeches. "You, village hick."

"Better that, then a gaudy tramp!" I snap back.

Before anyone realises, she grabs my hair, the clips pulled, that hurts. She screams, and let's go when I kick her leg, but that was self-defence!

"You..." She screeches.

*resounding slap*

"You stupid bitch." The pretty lady snaps. "I told you, stay out."


"No, your bloody not." The lady snaps. "Get out."

The slithery cow glares at Oh, before leaving, who looks upset and grabs his drink. The nice lady smiles at me, helping me straighten the wig, and re clip it. Seeing the wig, Oh choked on his drink, he's still having a coughing fit.

"There you go hun." She smiles. "All fixed."

I stare up at her. "P, are you a model?"

Her eyes go huge as she looks down at me, she's as tall as P'Pha. "No."

"You should be p, your much prettier than half of them." I tell her honestly.

She stares at me more, before hugging the life out of me.

"I want to keep you so badly Wayo." She squeals. "You can call me Poppy."

I'm pulled away, P'Pha wraps his arms around me, looking annoyed at the lady, who's smirking.

"Why's that name familiar?" Oh asks.

Poppy slaps Oh, who sits down hissing.

"Read the dam files Jay shows you, you idiot." She takes the drink. "Why make them come here?"

"I wanted to see Pha..."

"More like see if he's happy after leaving." She snaps. "Stop annoying Wayo, let him go home."

"Poppy let me... fuck why are you so slap happy."

"You can ignore Oh, Wayo." She smiles at me. "If you need anything, just call me okay. I'm Tae's sister."

Stupid buttons on the back!!! Why put buttons in places you can't reach? Dam you who made this. I stamp my foot, I'm about to pull, and dam if it tears when I feel hands on my back.

"Still mad at me?" He asks. "I'm sorry Yo."

I kick his leg, he hisses but doesn't say anything.

"Don't hate me Yo." He whispers. "Don't break up with me. Please."

"Why do it?" I ask.

"We agreed before knowing what the senior would say, and then Beam wouldn't back down. We couldn't let him stand up to them alone, Kit and I stepped in."

"Single for the weekend?"

"No Yo, just for that meeting, with the people that came."

"Did you take them to a club?"

"No, we took them back, and came to find you guys." He tells me.

"P'Pha... if you try being single again... I'm divorcing you." I tell him.

He smiles and kisses me till both of us need to breathe. I realise what I said, my ears are burning.

"About what happened before, with the gang..."

I stop when P'Pha hugs me tight, I sigh. "You can tell me when you're ready."

"Soon Yo."

It upsets him, I don't want that, it can wait. No matter what happens, I'll wait for him to tell me. After everything, I'm just tired, I shower and sleep.

I wake up a little when I hear a phone, I try grabbing mine.

"It's mine Yo, go to sleep." P'Pha kisses my cheek.

He's so close I can hear the conversation.

"How did things go with Ming?" P'Pha asks.

"He was quiet the whole way here Pha!" P'Kit sounds worried. "Ming, quiet, its freaky."

"What did you do?"


"Kit? Talk to him... Kit."

"What?" he snaps.

"What did you do? Where are you?"




"Kit go talk to him." P'Pha sighs. "Hiding in the bathroom, isn't going to help."

"You're a bastard Pha, why did I call you?" P'Kit hangs up.

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