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Baekhyun's POV

It's been 2 months since our last comeback. We're currently planning for the next comeback , but, it's so hard to think of a theme and  difficult to start writing or composing a new song.....

Kyungsoo: "baekhyun-ah, have you seen Chanyeol? He's gone After he ate breakfast and doesn't comeback until now, it's already 8 pm...."

Baekhyun:  " He doesn't go out right? Maybe he's in his studio.....uhm.... why are you looking for him? Hehe"

Kyungsoo: " it's because the dinner is ready, and he doesn't eat his lunch....."

Baekhyun: "ahhhh..... Ahehehehe"

Channie isn't going out from his studio since this morning....... I guess he's really doing his best to composed a song.... but he doen't eat his lunch, stubborn Chanyeolie"

At Chanyeol's Studio....

Chanyeol's POV

I can't think of anything....

Such a shame....

I can't start any...

*knock knock*

Kyungsoo: " Chanyeol-ah,  it's kyungsoo, please let me in"

Chanyeol: "it's open, come in"

Kyungsoo: "dinner is ready"

Chanyeol: "Okay, I'll just eat later"

Kyungsoo: "but Chanyeol, you didnt eat your lunch...."

Chanyeol look at kyungsoo with a tired, disappointed, and annoyed face. Kyungsoo is shocked. Because it is tbe first time he saw that kind of Chanyeol's expression.

Kyungsoo just go out of Chanyeol's studio. He choose to let Chanyeol do what he want because, he can sense that Chanyeol is frustrated. On the other hand, Baekhyun is starting to worry.

Kyungsoo: "Baekhyun!! Let's eat! Dinner is ready"

Sehun: "hyung palli! I'll eat your food! Whahaha"

Baekhyun: "I'll eat later. Try it Sehun! I'll kill you!"

Baekhyun's reason for not eating because he know himself, that it is sad to eat without him, without Chanyeol.

Baekhyun's POV

Chanyeol isn't like this, no matter what happen, no matter what situation he will eat if there's food. And as the person who spend my time with him, I also know that he can't stay still, unless he is thinking so hard....

Is something bothering you channie?

Baekhyun lay down on their bed thinking of Chanyeol.

To: Chanyeolie
From: Baekhyun

"Yah! Why are you not eating, huh? Are you going to starve yourself? Come outside let's eat! :D "

He evn send him a message. 20 minutes have passed, there's nothing, not even a single reply from Chanyeol. Baekhyun is worried, he immediately go in front of chanyeol's studio, and knock

*knock knock*

Baekhyun: "Chanyeol? Chanyeol? This is baekhyun, open the door please?"

Inside that room, behind that door, there's a frustrated Chanyeol punching the wall, because he can't think of any melody that will suit the lyrics.

Chanyeol: "it's open"

Baekhyun worriedly open the door. He find a giant man with yoda ears sitting beside his keyboard punching the wall continuously.
Baekhyun felt a pain inside his chest. He know how hard it is for Chanyeol, he know how depressing it might be for Chanyeol.

Baekhyun is slowly walking towards to Chanyeol.

Baekhyun: "chanyeol-ah.... is something bothering my precious channie? Come on, tell me."

Chanyeol's tear, starting to fall, as he started to talk.

Chanyeol: "I... I... I ca-can't think of a-anything. I can't compose a-any song"

Chanyeol stutter when he talks. Baekhyun walks in front of chanyeol and hug him, as chanyeol's response, he leans his head on Baekhyun.

Baek: "there, there, relax relax, shhhh..... don't cry, okay? Everything will be fine, just relax, don't cry, okay?"

Chanyeol stop crying as he hear what Baekhyun said. He ligt his head and stare unto him.

Now that Chanyeol is staring at Baekhyun, he feel like he will melt anytime, he also can't move because of that stare. His thoughts are starting, so he choose to go out of Chanyeol's studio.

Baekhyun: "we-well, now that your calm, i'm going outside okay? Bye b-"

Before he exit and before he finished his sentence, Chanyeol grab his hand, pull him closer and sit him on the table beside Chanyeol's keyboard.

As Baekhyun sat on the table, Chanyeol put his lips into baekhyun's.

Baekhyun is shocked but he can't help but to respond on Chanyeol's kiss.

Their kiss is slowly become passionate, as Baekhyun wrapped his hands on Chanyeol's neck and start ruffling Chanyeol's hair.

They're panting as they both broke on each other's kiss.

Chanyeol: "thank you so much for calming me down baekhyunee. Thank you soooo much"

Baekhyun: "if you're facing a problem, remember always do first is to calm yourself down, inhale and exhale, be optimistic and after you calm down think of how can you solve it, okay?"

Chanyeol: "okay!!.... let's eat"

The couple eat their dinner thankfully because the other members left some food for them both.

Thank you for reading!!
Sorry for typos and wrong grammars




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