game! (part 2)

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Suho: "congrats to both of you, okay next me and lay-ssi"

The two also finished the game properly, lay almost kissed junmyeon. The two come up with 1.7 cm

Suho: "last group, xiumin-hyung and chen!"

"Go chenderella"

Xiumin is so excited the he bites big than jongdae...

Jongdae is shocked to xiumin

Lay: "xiumin-hyung! Are you hungry? You bite so big! Ahahaha"

*all members laugh*

Chen and xiumin are still eating/biting the pepero stick until....

"Xiumin-hyung kissed chen!"

Jongdae is shookts to what his partner did..

Chen: "yah! Why did you do that?!!"

Xiumin: "because it is so tasty"

*exo laughs so hard*

The last pair finished with 1cm

Suho: "congratulations chen and xiumin you're the winner of this pepero game!"

*clap clap*

The game finished happily with the members enjoy so much exect for the two still-tense members..


Should I start shipping XiuChen?

Hello EXO-Ls!
Sorry for my bad writing....
Sorry for my typps and wrong grammars....

Should I convert this oneshots into real story? Need help guyseu!!!!

Thanks for reading!

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