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On practice room....

Baekhyun's POV

I'm tired.... I'm sweating too much..
I'm thirsty.....

Suho: "okay guys.... water break"


Baekhyun: "wae?!"
Chanyeolie is so cute... I really love it when he calls my name...

Chanyeol:"come here! Hurry up!"

Baek: "waeyo?!"

Baek is walking towards to chanyeol, but chanyeol didn't know how to wait, he run so fast and grab baek's arms and hug the smaller so tight.

Chanyeol: "I don't know why but I miss you so much, it feels like I didn't see you for a very long time, I miss you Baekhyun."

Omooo... why is he like this? Omooo his voice is my drug..
. I can't live without it...

Chanyeol still hugging baek, as he kisses the smaller's forehead.

Baek: "there there my channie...... but don't do it here, we're inside the practice room remember? And the other members are watching.."

Chan: "I don't care if they're watching, I really love this feeling so they don't care"

Xiumin: *ehem* *ehem*

Suho covers the maknae's eyes

Suho: "yah! You have your own room! Don't do it here!"

Kai: *sigh* " kyungsoo-ah come here"

D. O: "shut it kai!"

The couple quikly break on each other's hug...

Baek: "mianhae" *chuckle*

On dressing room....

Chanyeol's  POV

Baek: "Chanyeolie! Chanyeolie!"

Baek jump on Chanyeol, tip-toed and put his arms around Chanyeol's shoulder.

Baek: "why are you so tall? I'm jealous to your height! I wish I also have that"

Chan: "it's okay baek... your height is cute it matches your cute face, your appearance is fine, and that is the reason why I feel I want to protect you"

Baek: "really?"

Chan: *nods*

Suho: "yah! Stop that! The show will start soon!"

On Chanbaek's room..

Baek: "channie"

Cham: "hmmm?"

Baek: "what time you should go to dentist when your tooth is aching?

Chan: "hmm? What?"

Baek: "tooth:30 pm"

Chanyeol burst into laughter after hearing baek'a joke...

*knock knock*

Chanyeol get up and quickly open the door...

Chan: "oh Suho hyung! Why are you here?"

Suho: "pleasee you two! Stop flirting and go to sleep! It's already 1 am in the morning and you're so nioisy. You two were flirting all day!"

Baek: "and you were scolding us all day!"

Chan: "okay Suho hyung! Good morning!"

Suho: "wa-"

Before Suho will finish what he was saying chanyeol closed the door...

Chan: "Baek let's go to sleep"
Good mornight byun Baekhyun I love you...

After thinking that thoughts chanyeol kisses baek's forehead and they cuddle each other before going to sleep...


Thank you for reading!

Also thank you for my friend who told me that joke!!

Love ya'll

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