Chapter 5: Friend

Start from the beginning

"But I wasn't! I was suffering; with the guilt, the pain! Couldn't you see that? I still am!"

"Then don't. Simple. Now you know everything, right? Got the closure you wanted? Now just stop it and let everyone be in peace and stop with this attitude of yours." Her words were so bland that it was hurting me. How could she not feel my pain or my guilt. She has been with me all along; seeing everyone's behaviour towards me, my suffering.

"It's not as simple as your words, Kaira." I got up, "the accident changed our life but more that that- it changed you." I faced her saying something that I've been carrying with me since that moment, "you are no longer my sister I used to know, shared my life- my feelings with. Yes, you were mischievous." A slight curve appeared on my lips reminiscing our childhood, "I used to get blamed for your menace," my eyes were tearing up, finding it difficult to breathe, "I never mind that. I was your big sister, that was my duty.. to protect you-"

"Protect me?" She questioned, "protect me from what? Mom's loving scolding? The harmless funny punishments? Dude, you're being such a catastophizer ." She rolled her eyes and layed on her bed, pulling the blanket over herself.

"Sure, being locked up in storeroom as a 13 years old was really fun." I mumbled going towards my bed.


Morning was the regular, minus the part where Samar came to pick us. He did- but not on his car. He chose to ride his bike today and of course, his partner was Kaira. I left earlier than usual as I had to walk my way to college. I took the the shortcut that went through the woods. I knew the woods because Dad used to bring us here for camping and to teach us climbing. Kaira never liked that. She hated being in woods in between all the living beings that buzz and chirps around us, while I love it. The melody of the birds made me smile and the squirrels clinging to branches- from one to another made my envy them. How lucky! Their speed, their body that floated like feather as they hopped from here to there. And here am I: covering the distance of 1.5 kms in... What (?) 25 minutes?

Reaching the giant iron gate made me sigh, an another one followed by quickly as my eyes fell on my sister and Samar, sipping tea, leaning on vehicles parked near the stall.

Without anyone noticing my presence, I entered my comfort place. Venky wasn't coming today, or tomorrow. His family is visiting her aunt. They do that every month. Tired of my lonely life, I have shamelessly tried to invite myself there but Venky plainly declined saying: I won't like it between them. They are very loud.

I believed him though because everytime he came back, he looked very tired. His eyes had black rims around it and whites appeared red, maybe indicating crimson liquid that he savoured during his get together. My lips curved thinking about it.

I found myself a place in one corner of the classroom, sitting there I dialled my bestfriend's number. After four to six rings I got to hear my name in his voice, which sounded really exhausted.

"Let me guess, didn't sleep last night?" I laughed.

"You bet." He growled faintly, "every inch of my body hurts Kiara."

"Then you shouldn't have danced all night."

"Only if you were there."

I rolled my eyes, "I wanted to but you see, I wasn't welcomed there."

He left out a chuckle hearing this, "I'm your friend Kia. I won't do OR let you do something that's not good for. And I know it too well that this place isn't for you."

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