2: she calls me asshole

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"Come in," I mumbled hearing a knocking sound on the door while I was arranging the books on my table, or— professor Cha's table.

Though, when I turned on my heels my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I stumbled a few steps backward but quickly regained myself and cleared my throat.

The girl from the other day stepped inside, all the while closing the door slowly behind her. Her eyes showed no emotion, her face was grave, and her mouth sealed tightly.

This just reminded me of some mystery thriller movie I saw a week ago. She exactly had the murderer's expression written on her face.

"Hi." I managed to say under my breath. Why was I getting nervous here?

"I'm Park Soomi," she said calmly but it somehow managed to send a chill down my spine.

"I'm Kim Namjoon." I nodded and then held out my hand towards her. "Nice to meet you."

Why did it just feel like I was trying to reason with a murderer?

"Or not..." I said slowly taking my hand back to myself. Seemed like she didn't want to shake hands with me.

Great! Another day starting with a failed attempt of handshake.

"The other day I—"

"I know! It's not your fault!" I screeched before she could finish. I could tell what she was trying to say here and frankly, I always felt uncomfortable with people explaining themselves to me.

"You do?" Her eyebrow scrunched up as she was still staring into my eyes.

"Yes, I do!" I said almost aggressively.

"You were drunk hence you had no clue of what you were doing! You know you shouldn't have drunk and do that to a stranger so you're regretting your decision from that day!"

There my mouth went blabbering, just like it always did under trepidation.

"To sum it up—" She raised an eyebrow then slowly let it fall. "Yeah."

Her facial muscles relaxed, her eyes softened up and she moved her head to the side, avoiding my gaze completely now.

"I apologize for my behavior the other day. I was drunk, yes, but that does not give me the excuse to kiss someone without their consent. I'm truly sorry."

She really did look apologetic. She wasn't exactly imploding, but her voice was sincere. Gone was her murderous aura, replacing it with awkwardness, kind of like me.

I wondered if her stone-cold external appearance was only to cope with her internal nebulous self. Nontheless, I was pretty much blown away seeing her taking responsibility for her action.

She again looked into my eyes and tipped her head towards me. "I hope you could forgive me, Mr. Kim."

"Well, yeah, it's okay. I forgot about that already. It's not like it was an agressive kiss of some sort," I recoiled inwardly at my own choice of words, BAD choice of words.

She gave me an incredulous look, and then quickly averted her gaze again. She scratched on her left cheek and stood silently. Was she expecting me to say more?

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle making her look up at me wide eyed. "It's nothing." I quickly shook my head assuring her.

"The other day..., you said you weren't a lesbian. You know? After doing that to me."

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