33. Getting Better

Start from the beginning

"I'm not pushing people away. And you think you understand my position? You don't know the half of my position." I retorted, setting a temporary glare on my face. I wasn't pushing people away. 

Was I? 

No, I wasn't. I wanted people in my life. I wanted Tony and all of the Avengers, I wasn't pushing anyone away. 

Sure, I wasn't talking to any of them right now because they were all treating me like I was something delicate that would break at any given moment. Yeah, you heard that right. It wasn't just Tony treating me like a child. It was all of them. Steve, Thor, and even Clint and Bruce who hadn't even seen/heard the debacle. 

The only one I could trust to not treat me like a baby was Natasha, and she wasn't even here. I had caught Steve and Clint talking about how Natasha had gone into hiding or something about starting new. I wondered if she would ever come back. Part of me knew she wouldn't, and I think that just added to my emotional state. I was abandoned again.

"Okay, your right. Why don't you tell me about your position? Then I can help you." Ms.Stanley tried, growing quite pathetic. I didn't need help.

I looked up at the ceiling, crossing my arms over my chest as I lied down on the tan sofa. 

Thirty minutes passed when I finally heard her heels waddle out of the room. I don't know why but I always felt so achieved when the therapist would run out of the place screaming in frustration.

"I can't help her if she won't talk!" Ms. Stanley screamed outraged. I could only imagine the exasperated look on Tony's face.

I promised to go to therapy. I didn't say anything about talking.

I didn't even turn to look when Tony came through the door. Tony sat on the edge of the couch by my feet. I could feel the intense stare of his eyes, but I kept my gaze on the ceiling - the only thing not brown in the room. 

"Seriously, Sky? Why can't you just talk to them? Or at least talk to me or-or anyone!" Tony shouted, naturally not caring that his frustration was showing. He covered his face with exhaustion. This time I looked at him. I sat up on the couch holding my knees in a tight grip and stared at him. 

"Why can't you just talk to me?" He whispered, looking back over at me. I couldn't hold his sad gaze, so I focused on my feet instead. My favorite shoes. My white Adidas Superstars.

Tony Starks P.O.V.

"Why can't you just talk to me?" I asked, my voice had turned to a whisper. I looked over at the young girl who had been through so much in her short life. Her eyes had held a panic look to them for as long as I've known her, but it was doubled now, so much more noticeable and harder to ignore. I placed my hand on her white shoe. She shot her foot back quickly, and her breathing got heavy.

Flinching. I had noticed that Skylar had been flinching more. Every time I would rest my hand on her shoulder or even pat her head she would freak out. It looked like I was back to square one with the kid.

I felt like if I did anything wrong, I might set her off again. I think that's why she has been so distant lately.

 I was treating her like she would break. But I knew she was strong. That was the first thing I ever knew about Skylar. She was strong. But she was also broken from the start. I had mended so many pieces back together with the help of the Avengers, but when I look at her now, all I see is the broken, scared girl who tried to act tough.

"Come on, kid. Just tell me whats going on, tell me what I can do to make it better." I was begging now, but I knew she wouldn't speak. She never talked to me anymore.

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