Look what you made me do...

Start from the beginning

"I don't care! I need to kill that bastard."

"Do that, and we'll lose them!" Beam snaps.

I grit my teeth and we keep following, they talk to some gang before moving, we walk up to them and smile, but when I say were friends, they suddenly get serious.

"You know Pha?" One of them asks.

"He's in medicine." I say cautiously.

"If you see him, and his gang, you tell us." He fumes. "I want a word with them."

The rest are all nodding, talking angrily, how could someone do that to such a nice kid. When we ask what happened, one of them has a video.

I take it as we look, it's Yo, in a dress, sitting drinking with Forth and Ming, talking to one of the gang guys and ...Yo...Yo is crying.

"I told him no, I had someone, but p, my boyfriend said he's not dating anyone." He's sniffling, wiping his tear's, Ming's trying to calm him down.

"The same happened to you Ming." Yo's looking sad. "You were going to cry to. P, he loved them for ages too, and gave them a ring. But they didn't want it, they made up but now they did this and he's sad too."

Ming looks upset, but keep's trying to get Yo to stop crying.

"No more drinks, Nong." Forth says, taking the glass from Yo.

"But p, why make a bet?" He's asking Forth. "You wouldn't do that. We do silly things and get in trouble but we love them. We never said we don't have anyone and we never made a bet."

"Sometimes, you have to wait for them to get it." Forth's patting Yo's head.

The gang guys, trying to calm Yo down now, giving him tissues and pink milk. "Don't they love us p?"

"I'm sure he does Nong, your cute. He's going to be sorry."

"I'm not cute p!" Yo shouts. "I'm handsome."

Everyone looks at him. He forgot, he's in a dress.

"My friends are cute." He says pointing to Ming and Forth.

The guy just pats his head, telling him of course he's handsome, and his friends are cute. They all think he's drunk, they're indulging him.

Ming goes to the bar, Yo tells Forth something, who follows Ming, telling Yo not to move.

A group show up, one of them grabs Yo, who kicks the guy angrily, telling him he has a boyfriend. But the guy won't listen, Yo calls Ming and Forth, who get him away. There are about 10 of them, they walk cockily over to our boyfriends, but the gang come and stand with Ming and Forth, and the fight starts.

He lets me have a copy, in return, I smack some sense into this, Pha.

"People you love are precious, you don't hurt them, and you never deny you have them." The guy tells us.

We follow them in the car quietly, Kit and Beam are thinking as well. Kit sees the guy with the knife, and Forth and Ming run after, when I see Yo run around the corner, my blood runs cold. We jump out and follow.

Forth's trying to get the knife out of the guys hand, Ming's got the other one on the floor, and Yo is checking Park, shit that knifes close to him.

Before we get near, the guy manages to get out of Forth's hold, and grab Yo. Before he can get the knife near him, I grab his arm. Yo saw me, he stomps on the guys foot, before elbowing him, as his grip loosens, he moves away. I twist his arm hard, before I slam him against the wall, I hear a crack, before he yells, and the knife falls, I kick it away.

I slam the guy against the wall again, the bastard grabbed my Yo.

"P'Pha." I stop, when I hear Yo call me.

Yo's holding my arm, I throw the guy on the ground, stopping him from getting up with my foot, as I hug Yo.

"I'm sorry Yo." I tell him quietly. "Your more important, always, only you."

"You'll lose your bet." He looks up at me.

"I don't care. I just want you." I kiss his forehead and hug him again.

Ming, Kit and Forth have the two guys covered, Beam's seeing to Park, while Yo, uses my phone to call P'Lee.

"I thought you guys liked me Yo." P'Lee shouts the minute it connects.

"I do p..." Yo tells him.

"One-night Yo, I just wanted one night." P'Lee sounds near tears.

"I'm sorry p... stuff happened..."

"I know!" He sighs. "My people are deleting things, they paid for the damages, none of the people who helped you will be in trouble... Toll is on his way... just go choose new phones..."

It isn't long before Toll and his people show up, they take the idiots and check on Park. While Toll updates someone on the phone. I look surprised, when Toll turns his phone to me.

"Pha. I thought the name, and that voice sounded familiar."

Why the hell is it him?

"Come see me Pha. Just like old times."

I look over at Yo, who's looking at me worried. His father knows, but I didn't want Yo to know this about me. I finished it already, why now?

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