"But since signal came here, this obviously belonged to Decepticons," Bulkhead said.

"By these coordinates, I can think only one possible cargo ship, Harbinger," Optimus said.

Right then, when they kept walking they spot someone.

"Airachnid!" Arcee glared.

"Surrender," Optimus ordered.

Realizing to be outnumbered, Airachnid started to run away. Arcee started to follow her.

"Arcee!" Elena yelled at her. In this, Optimus followed her, until there was a dead end. Airachnid has dug a hole in the rocky wall and Arcee started to follow her.

"ARCEE! WAIT!" he ordered her. He couldn't follow her because the hole was too small for him.

"Optimus, we have to help her, before she does something reckless," Elena said.

Optimus agreed and started to go back where they came, while Bumblebee and Bulkhead get there.

Once outside Optimus looked around where Arcee could be.

"There!" Elena pointed.

They spot Arcee fighting with Airachnid, but soon Airachnid got hold of her.

"Arcee!" Elena yelled.

"Airachnid! Release her!" Optimus demanded while had his gun ready if spider lady tries anything on her.

Airachnid knew she won't be able to defeat Optimus, without getting scratch or two. And she didn't have time for that. So, she let go of Arcee, transformed and left.

Optimus tried to shut her down, but she was far already.

"Arcee, you know better than to engage the enemy on your own," Optimus began reprimanding.

"Not her. Not after what she did to Tailgate" Arcee said in a bitter tone, thinking what Airachnid did to her former partner Tailgate. "She will pay,"

"Revenge will not bring back those we have lost. Is that understood?"

Arcee looked away. She knew Optimus was right, but she couldn't ignore Airachnid. She hasn't just killed Tailgate. She threat SweetStar, Jack, and his mom, June. She wants to hurt her deeply and she won't rest unless she is stopped for good.

Then Bulkhead and Bumblebee resurface with Starscream as a captive, and they're all surprised when the Decepticon says he wants to switch sides and tells where Airachnid is headed. Optimus, Arcee, and Bulkhead went aside to talk while Bumblebee watched over Starscream.

"He's telling the truth about Megatron trying to scrap him," Arcee said. "I saw with my own eyes."

"You're not saying you actually trust Starscream?" Bulkhead asked.

"Trust him? Never. But this may be the one time our objectives align." Arcee suggested.

"You're right to be wary, Bulkhead, But I agree with Arcee." Optimus decided.

"Can we at least keep him tied up for now?" Elena asked. "You can never be sure."

"I agree at least on that," Bulkhead said.

"Very well, then," Optimus said.

It didn't take long to get to the place, where another half of the ship was.

"What do you know?" Bulkhead asked theoretically.

"Still could be a trap," Arcee reminded Bulkhead.

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