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My dream goes as the following.

We unanimously decide that we must dethrone Lewis. This almost wouldn't happen but Marco explains the conditions that the Smyke citizens are living under during his reign. So we head off to planet Acren where the Smyke inhabit and basically start a fuckin' rally to take down the king. I don't know if we succeed, it just ends there. And that's exactly what I say to Marco the next morning.

"Sounds like plan then."

"Also um. Do you know how these work?" I ask him.

"It's a simple concept."

"Not really. We can either announce it and just go straight to Acren, or we can just wait for this to carry out. Either way, it will happen-so."

"Okay." Everyone then joins us on the Com. System. Marco announces today's plan but also gives us some in depth information about the conditions of today's Smyke citizens. "This was the reason Seb and I created the M.M in the first place." I guess M.M is short for Masked Murderers. "If you did anything. Anything! wrong, you were either killed, thrown in prison, or tortured. Now when I was a guard you were on a strict schedule. From what I heard everyone hates Lewis-hell, I know several hundred people that would gladly join our rally. I know there's so many M.M supporters just scattered around the community."

"So how are we supposed to get in?" Victor asked.

"We start the rally. I know all the guards that I worked with will join in. We'll hijack the castle security system. Once the shitty ass hole servants are outside we lock them out, and bring our allies in. There we spill blood. We'll start with their chief-he's also an ass hole and no one will care if he's killed. From there we separate into groups depending on our numbers. Jayson and Alex I'll trust you to take Lewis on directly. We'll join in if we have the time. I trust that you two are powerful enough to take him?" What does he mean-sure I'm good with a gun but what?

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"The mark energy." Jay said. I don't know if I should refer to him as still Jayson or dad. Whatever-I'll go with dad.

"Yeah. They tried to torture me, then there was this energy wave thing and I automatically healed myself. It was weird."

"That's it." Dad nodded.

"Anyways. You'll take down Lewis." Marco continued. "From there we broadcast that Lewis is a fake. If everything goes smoothly Jay can take the throne again and it will all be good."

"Alex is taking it." Dad interrupted.

"What?" I ask. "I can't do that! I'm not ready! Hell, I'm still confused as all hell from finding out I'm not even human!"

"I know you can do it Alex. Hell, I was your age when I took the throne."

"But I'm not you." I protest.

"I know you're not. But what I do know is that you would make a great leader. You're a strong guy Alex. Strategic, quick thinking, actually not a jack-ass, you got all the qualities." He's not wrong.

"Fine." I spit out. "I'll do it."

"I know you can do it. Travis didn't fail me!"

"Hate to ruin this bonding moment,but, three hours until we get there. Brace yourselves." Sev budded in.

"Understood." Marco nodded and him and Sebastian cut out.

"Um-before you cut out Sev. I would like to talk to my dad for a few." I interrupt Sev's actions. He nods and leaves and my dad comes into view.

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