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"Holy shit." This is the first time I've heard Silver swear. She covers her mouth in shock. What's so shocking? She locks her arms around me.

"I don't need sympathy. It's Taras you should worry about. He hides it well, but he's fucked up." I say.

"I can send him in if you want? I'm sure he'll talk to you about it. He trusts you the most." I nod and she proceeds with the action. But she brings Taras in and she stayed out.

I see him enter the exiting chamber. He opens the hatch and proceeds to hang up his helmet. He then walk right past me and to the control panel. Be begins punching in codes.

"The fuck are you doing?" I ask.

"Disabling Com. system so they can't stalk us." he says, obviously annoyed for some unknown reason.

"Oh..." Okay then. I go to stand behind him while he furiously pushes buttons. The Com. System has been temporarily disabled.

Taras leans off the control panel and quickly turns around to face me. He then violently pushes me up against the nearby wall; he looks very pissed off.

"Never do anything like that ever again. You hear me?" He says, almost whispering but I can hear him loud and clear.

"Uh. yeah-yeah." I nod quickly, not wanting to be thrown through the windshield. He places his hand on the side of my arm and traces down to my hand which he proceeds to grip tightly. I can't help but smile. We move closer until our lips connect. This is why he turned off the Com. System? Wait, I'm trying to piece this all together.

"We'll keep it between us. No one will know." He whispers in my ear. Everything makes so much more sense.

We continue this make-out session which just gets more intimate as we go on. At first there was just the slight hair pulling, then it went to tugging off clothing, then to just mocking the noises the other made. Then we actually got serious. Thank god he turned off the Com. System. Let's just say Taras has some secret kinks-and let's just say I got handcuffed to the headboard. And he lost the key. He lost the fucking key! It fell in between the wall and the mattress! He threw it behind him in an attempt to look sexy and he fucking lost it! So I've been just lying here for fifteen minutes, cuffed to the fucking headboard!

"Any luck?" I ask.

"Still no." He's trying to pry the bed away from the wall but the bed is fucking welded to the goddamn wall! "Wait..." He's kneeling on the bed and looking down into the darkness. "Found it!"

"Well fuckin' get it."

"The problem is. I can't reach it."

"Figure it out." There is no way he'll be able to get it. This is how I'll die! Well, at least I won't die a virgin. Good job Alex, that's one thing you can cross off your bucket list.

"There is no way I can get it. But I know someone who can."

"You're not bringing anyone in here!" I yell slightly embarrassed.

"Would you rather me cut off your hands?" He asks jumping off the bed and onto the cold tile floor. I shake my head.

"Hide me then." If anyone were to see this they would never let me hear the end of it. Taras covered me with a crap ton of sheets and asked Silver if she would help with something.

"So you need what?" She asked.

"I lost the key for my one suitcase." Taras said quickly, and guided her to the bed where I uncomfortably laid sweating nervously in a pile of blankets.

"Where's Alex?" She asked. I tried my best to be a pile of blankets.

"Hiding in the bathroom."

"Okay?" I felt the mattress shift along with her weight as she leaned over to fetch this key. "Here ya go." She handed the key in his open hand.

"Okay that's all I needed goodbye!" He pushed her out the door.

"Wait-" She couldn't finish her statement because Taras had slammed the hatch door in her face.

"M'kay. Got it." I heard him say. I tried to kick the mountain of blankets and pillows off me. Freeing myself from the fleece prison Taras then straddles over me to uncuff me from the headboard. I turn my wrists in a circular motion. Free at last.

"We are never doing that ever again."

"We? Again? Who says I'd fuck you again?"

"I say..."

"Pft," He laughed. "Oh really?"

"Yes-yes really." I laugh and blush. I lean towards Taras who is still straddling my body to kiss him.

It was settled

Taras Ivanov

This guy who I used to hate with all my heart

Was now my lover

No one was to know, no one will ever find out. I'm not sure how this would go, but I know one thing for certain. Our ships had entered a fucking wormhole. 

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