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We had officially left the atmosphere and I turned the ship on autopilot.

"We did it." I smile. "We did it!" I throw my arms up and proceed to unbuckle myself from the seat. I try to skip away but I realized that the gravity was off and just ended up flipping. Taras laughed and turned the gravity off which caused me to fall on my face; he laughed more.

"You're not a bad pilot." Taras said freeing himself from the chair. "Hope you keep it up." Taras went to get his guitar from the cupboard.

"Got it." I chimed going to lay on my bed. To the right of my bed was a huge window that I stared out for some time. Space was so beautiful and mysterious. Taras began to play his guitar; he was surprisingly good. I let him play for a while before I said something.

"Is that some Britney Spears?" I laughed, happy that we actually had something in common.

"Maybe." He looked embarrassed. He continued to play Toxic by britney Spears; being the trash I am, I sang along. I could hear some random clicking noise followed by a familiar voice. I lean out of bed and see it was a opaque glowing screen which had popped up out of the control panel. On that screen was my dad. I leaped to the front to speak to him; this must have been what I predicted.

"Alex!" He cheered.

"Dad!" I yell back.

"You actually made it out of the atmosphere. Good job." He laughed. My dad has brown hair and jade coloured eyes. He's shorter than I am. I don't look like anyone in my family; I've come up with the theory that I'm adopted. Everyone has green eyes but nope-Alex is weird and casually has vibrant orange eyes. That's totally normal. Everyone is shorter than 5'6 but nope. Not Alex-skyscraper Alex at 6'1.

"Who's your second?" He asks.

"Taras Ivanov. Victors brother." I answer. My dad turns to the side, probably talking to Victor. Just as I thought Victor appears on the screen and Taras comes to my side. They exchange some random phrases in Russian then Victor talks to me. He bore a wide smile. From what I can see he has brown eyes like Taras's and blonde hair which is also the same. The two look very alike.

"You must be Alex." He says. "Nice to meet you." I slightly nod. His accent isn't as strong as Taras's.

"Greetings." I say.

"Anyways. Stay safe I have to do work." Victor slowly moved from the screen leaving my dad.

"You two stay safe. I'll be off too." He says, but I interrupt him before he can shut the communication system off.

"Mom says hi. And you need to contact Alice too." He nods.

"Bye." He waves and the screen disappears.

"Your dad?" Taras asks. I nod. "Interesting." He sits in his chair and stares out the front window. He seems to get confused and leans forwards. "See that?" He asks, pointing to a red figure floating in front of us. I hum in agreement.

"Track it." I order. Taras uses his section of the control panel to zoom in and track the object on a green coloured screen.

"It's.." He zoomed in on it more. "A human?" He looks very confused. I take control of the ship and slowly approach the being. As we get closer I can see that it's a girl just aimlessly floating in space.

"What the fuck." I say.

"Well go fuckin' faster an' we figure it out." Taras says, staring at the screen in front of him annoyed and confused. I get closer and we're about seven meters from this girl.

"I'll get 'er" Taras says, leaving his chair to suit up. He puts on a custom fit deep red helmet. He presses a glowing red button and a barrier, or the same red glow forms around his short figure. He enters a airtight chamber, and closes the door. He grabs a jetpack which was supplied there and flies out to the girl. He grabs her arm.

"She alive?" I ask through my headset.

"Yeah.." Taras gives a confused look. He carries this girl bridal style back to the ship. From what I could see this girl had super long vibrant red hair. When I say super long, I mean like literally four feet of hair. I could see Taras and this girl in the chamber waiting while the air pressure changes. The door beeps and he enters. Taras looked super confused. He laid the girl on his own bed and took off the helmet which caused the glowing red barrier to disappear. I put the ship back on autopilot and go to sit on the bed beside this girl.

"The fack." Taras said hanging up his helmet. "Why would she be in space? With nothing keepin' 'er alive."

"I have no idea." I say checking for a pulse; and I found one. This girl is very tall-it looks like she's about six foot.

"Are we supposed to wake her up or what?" I ask facing Taras who was sitting on the floor.

"'Bout ya kiss her then she'll wake up." Taras smirked.

"Hell nah." I try to think. The girl shifts, tossing her head to the left, facing me. Her eyes slowly opened. They were a vibrant orange colour like my own. I also was able to see that she had a blue diamond shaped marking on her forehead.

"Allo?" Taras says standing up. The girl whispers something.

"H-hello?" I give a slightly confused look and say hello back. Taras looks over at me.

"What did she say?" He asks. Weird, Taras heard her, he understands English.

"She said hello. You heard her."

"I fuckin' did. I just-" He tries to find the words. "-what fuckin' language is this shit." What the fuck Taras. I just shrug it off.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"S-Silver." She replies. I notice that she is wearing a grey silk jumpsuit accompanied with a short black jacket. I look over at Taras.

" Da' hell were you in space?" he asked.

"Umm..." She says, Taras was very confused. He asked me what she had said once more. What the hell is goin' on here.

"Language wise. What the hell are you speaking?" I ask her.

"Ucorian." She replies.


"Ucorian. You appear to understand it. Your friend...not so much."

"He's not my friend." I made this fact clear.

"The fack are you saying'" Taras asks me.

"English. You speak English?" I ask her. She nods and sits up, leaning against the wall that was once at her head.

"Introductions please?" She asks sweetly as she still didn't know who we were.

"Taras Ivanov."

"Alexander Eiden. We're from Earth." Something seemed to snap. Silver stuck out both arms which caused a forced to lift us both up and holding us by the neck.

"Fuck!" Yelled Taras grabbing at his neck."What are you?" He managed to say struggling to free himself from the random force which was holding us both of us up.

"Why am I here?!" She yelled.

"You were aimlessly floating in space, we saved you." I quickly said, gasping for air. Silver gave me a confused look.

"What year is it?" She asked.

"2032." Taras says. Silver displayed signs of panic. She lowered her arms which caused us both to thud onto the hard ground. "It's too late." She whispers to herself, it looks like she's crying. I felt a small bit of sympathy for this space girl.

"Too late for what?" I ask.

"They're dead." She throws her head into her small delicate hands. "They're all dead!" She screams. Objects that weren't anchored down seemed to slam to the sides, this included Taras and I. What the hell even is this girl-fucking 'Space Satan'?

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