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Am I dead? I see nothing. There's just infinite nothingness. Wait-I hear something.

"Is he dead? He's dead!" Is that Taras? Yep, strong as fuck accent, that's him.

"Dead people don't breathe Taras." That's Silver.

"He's obviously still alive-" Luka? Is he still here?

"He's dead and it's your fault Luka!" Taras again.

"Well, I'm sorry I killed your boyfriend." Luka said in a mocking tone. I hear someone slamming into a wall.

"Guys chill or I will not hesitate to throw either of you through the window and into space." Silver threatened the two. Then there was a lot of screaming between Taras and Luka in their native languages. What a shit show. Should I put a stop to this? I'll just-. Okay I tried to move but I can't. I'm paralyzed? I'm-. Holy shit this is sleep paralysis! Oh god! Help me! I can't do anything but scream in my own head! Shit! Fuck!

"I think he actually might be dying. He's makin' weird ass noises." I can hear Luka.

"The fuck!" At this point the audio is just jumbled curses. Someone's touching my arm. Is it Silver? They have very soft hands that's all I gotta say.

"He's alive. His eyes are open." I hear Silver from across the room. Then who's touching my arm? I look over-and it's Taras. He immediately removed his hands from my arm when we made eye contact.

"The fuck just happened." I sigh, happy that I have been released from that paralyzed state.

"You fell off a cliff and passed out when you hit the ground. Er-when you hit the ship to be exact" Silver explained. I look around. We're in the ship, in space already.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Two-ish hours." Taras answers. Really? Two hours from simply falling off a cliff? "Anyways we have annoucement."

"Luka will be staying in your ship." Silver explained. That's chill.

"I'm cool with that." It's a reasonable decision. Luka seems like a good guy anyways. It's not like he's gonna kill us in our sleep or anything. Right?

"Anyways. I'll head back to my ship." Silver enters the exiting chamber and eventually makes her way back. Taras rolls his eyes and collapses on his bed and buries his face in his pillow. He's probably crying again. Luka went to change out of his suit and I was left to just stare at the roof.

"You okay there Taras." I look at him from the corner of my eye.

"No." He grunts.

"Wanna hug?" Taras does not like affectionate contact from any human. Silver and I have kinda made it a joke. But unlike the usual outcome of this 'joke' Taras actually said yes. "Wait what?"


"Seriously?" I'm surprised. He nods, his face still in his pillow. "Okay.." I walk across the room. Jesus Christ I feel lightheaded-or I'm just high on some mystery drug. I stumble over there and sit on his bed. "Okay, I'm here." Taras turns over to meet me. He hugs me.

Update-It's been half an hour and Taras has his arms death gripped around me. Send help.

Update-Taras fell asleep and Luka is laughing his ass off.

Update-It's been an hour and I'm still not free.

Another fucking update-Everyone but me is sleeping. Luka is sleeping in my bed. I still can't escape.

Whatever-Fuck it. I'm going to sleep. 

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